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Bidens frondosa

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Bidens frondosa

Devil's beggartick
Binomial:Bidens frondosa
Conditions:Adaptable, most frequent in wet soils
Seed Dispersal:Sticky seeds, spread by animals
Germination Time: Spring
Ripe Seed:Mid autumn
Vegetative Spread:none

Devil's beggartick (Bidens frondosa) is an annual herb in the family Asteraceae, native to North America.

This plant is known by a variety of different names, including Bur Marigold, Devil's Bootjack, Devil's pitchfork, Pitchfork Weed, and Sticktight.

The sticky seeds make this plant a nuisance for pet and livestock owners, and it is generally seen as a weed.


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It looks similar to a Dahlia plant, up to 2 m tall, usually with reddish stems. Its flowers are yellow, produced in early autumn, followed by numerous seeds with hooked barbs that attach onto passing animals' fur or clothing or sometimes even skin which allow the seeds to be dispersed widely.


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During flowering, the plant is an autumn nectar source, though other plants should be used instead because of the seed problems.


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closeup of seeds
  • Mowing: This plant can be controlled easily by regular mowing, but can be allowed to grow during the summer as competition for other weeds and as a green manure. It should be pulled or cut as soon as it begins to flower, to avoid re-seeding.
  • Pulling: Pulls easily
  • Disposal: Materials are safe to compost so long as well-covered and if pulled before seeds are set.


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