Category:Presumed GFDL images
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These files were uploaded without a copyright tag, but other users have presumed that they want them licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. If you have uploaded one of these files, please see {{GFDL-presumed}} for further instructions.
Media Files
The following 159 files are in this category, out of 159 total.
Abody r Solid Mechanics.png 145 × 152; 1 KB
Abody Solid Mechanics.png 145 × 118; 1 KB
Body chart.jpg 195 × 237; 46 KB
Bubble02.png 289 × 141; 3 KB
Bubble03.png 289 × 160; 3 KB
Bubble04.png 298 × 151; 4 KB
Bubble05.png 292 × 154; 4 KB
Cdm.gif 342 × 191; 12 KB
Chinese Characters3.gif 240 × 50; 2 KB
Cht14.JPG 488 × 279; 19 KB
Cht15.JPG 825 × 289; 34 KB
Cht3.GIF 736 × 253; 13 KB
Cht4.JPG 756 × 261; 21 KB
Cht8.JPG 816 × 359; 48 KB
Cht9.JPG 919 × 316; 32 KB
Clausiusthm Engineering Thermodynamics.png 189 × 190; 2 KB
Closed system Engineering Thermodynamics.png 198 × 97; 882 bytes
CompSciLogicPrologTab.png 649 × 236; 9 KB
CoupledOscillators.png 127 × 98; 2 KB
CreatingTWWPackage.jpg 689 × 1,006; 52 KB
DataStructuresLinkedListofN.png 455 × 117; 2 KB
Decision structure.jpg 720 × 540; 32 KB
Defen Solid Mechanics.png 193 × 190; 1,014 bytes
Diode depletion.png 518 × 331; 9 KB
Diode1.png 524 × 381; 12 KB
Diode2.png 533 × 417; 14 KB
DoingInvestigations chp6 11.png 716 × 474; 40 KB
DoingInvestigations chp6 5.png 567 × 228; 10 KB
DoingInvestigations chp7 20.png 759 × 558; 18 KB
DoingInvestigations chp7 23.png 317 × 97; 985 bytes
DoingInvestigations chp7 24.png 307 × 78; 1 KB
Dual Engineering Thermodynamics.png 126 × 127; 932 bytes
Elastic strainharden Solid Mechanics.png 374 × 301; 2 KB
Elasticplastic rec Solid Mechanics.png 374 × 287; 3 KB
Electronics RC01.PNG 85 × 109; 860 bytes
Electronics RC02.PNG 85 × 109; 1,016 bytes
Electronics RC03.PNG 85 × 109; 1 KB
Electronics RC04.PNG 85 × 109; 1 KB
Electronics RC05.PNG 85 × 109; 1,022 bytes
Electronics RC06.PNG 85 × 109; 985 bytes
Electronics ResistanceEX1.PNG 137 × 70; 865 bytes
Electronics ResistanceEX2.PNG 137 × 70; 786 bytes
Electronics Switches.PNG 195 × 54; 597 bytes
Electronics Template.PNG 73 × 134; 9 KB
Electronics TTLNOT.PNG 122 × 147; 1 KB
Electronics TTLNOTPRAC01.PNG 181 × 110; 2 KB
Electronics TTLNOTPRAC02.PNG 181 × 110; 2 KB
Example1 underdamped.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Fermi prob.png 474 × 392; 15 KB
Fhsst atomnucl1.png 330 × 195; 2 KB
Fhsst atomnucl12.png 507 × 378; 9 KB
Fhsst atomnucl13.png 459 × 288; 10 KB
Fhsst atomnucl14.png 416 × 216; 4 KB
Fhsst atomnucl2.png 333 × 69; 2 KB
Fhsst atomnucl3.png 538 × 359; 4 KB
Fhsst atomnucl4.png 531 × 318; 6 KB
Fhsst atomnucl5.png 365 × 191; 3 KB
Fhsst atomnucl6.png 282 × 289; 3 KB
Fhsst atomnucl7.png 275 × 275; 3 KB
Fhsst atomnucl8.png 379 × 142; 4 KB
Fhsst atomnucl9.png 444 × 145; 2 KB
Fhsst press1.png 363 × 209; 3 KB
Fhsst press2.png 363 × 209; 4 KB
Fhsst press3.png 363 × 209; 4 KB
Fhsst press4.png 335 × 143; 2 KB
Fhsst vectors28.png 146 × 100; 156 bytes
Fhsst waves41.png 392 × 25; 942 bytes
Fxdcol Solid Mechanics.png 250 × 47; 645 bytes
GaAs bandgap.png 635 × 439; 3 KB
Gcc stackframe.jpg 232 × 303; 29 KB
Grille transposition cipher.png 409 × 154; 1 KB
Heat Capacity vs Temperature.png 240 × 163; 1 KB
Hira a.gif 80 × 80; 3 KB
Histogramofdice.png 289 × 296; 9 KB
HSE ch5 binary tree.png 700 × 450; 44 KB
HSE Venn 2.png 175 × 139; 2 KB
HSE Venn1.png 133 × 133; 2 KB
Idealtemp Engineering Thermodynamics.png 231 × 192; 2 KB
Imagem3.JPG 380 × 318; 10 KB
Imagem5.JPG 338 × 516; 19 KB
Indicator Engineering Thermodynamics.png 232 × 232; 2 KB
Indo-european to irish flow-chart.png 436 × 232; 12 KB
Indonesian-akhir.ogg 1.6 s; 21 KB
ISTjointangledcube.gif 830 × 165; 28 KB
J2meplatform.jpg 280 × 210; 21 KB
Joule Engineering Thermodynamics.png 344 × 159; 2 KB
Joule first bath Engineering Thermodynamics.png 284 × 195; 2 KB
LearnElectronics-Images-Chapter1-diagram1.PNG 100 × 100; 562 bytes
LearnElectronics-images-chapter1-Diagram2.PNG 100 × 100; 510 bytes
Letter frequency.PNG 570 × 284; 8 KB
Lrngmgmtconfig.png 550 × 644; 18 KB
Maya-lighter-first-render.jpg 640 × 480; 16 KB
Maya-lighter-with-materials.jpg 1,024 × 768; 37 KB
Mejadrah-cooking.s.jpg 845 × 636; 72 KB
Mesh1.png 230 × 145; 5 KB
Mixed model 1.gif 598 × 61; 1 KB
Mixed model 2.gif 362 × 198; 2 KB
Mixed model 3.gif 598 × 392; 7 KB
Mixed model 4.gif 616 × 511; 13 KB
Mixed model 5.gif 615 × 482; 15 KB
Mixed model 6.gif 616 × 544; 16 KB
Mixed model 7.gif 605 × 403; 9 KB
Mixed model 8.gif 601 × 306; 8 KB
Mixed model 9.gif 609 × 332; 8 KB
Mohrs liquid Solid Mechanics.png 261 × 174; 762 bytes
Mohrs shear Solid Mechanics.png 261 × 174; 1 KB
Mohrs tensile Solid Mechanics.png 261 × 174; 1 KB
Mohrscircle Solid Mechanics.png 409 × 341; 3 KB
MultidimensionalArray.png 169 × 131; 2 KB
Multilayerceramic png1.PNG 31 × 65; 630 bytes
Os1.jpg 320 × 240; 11 KB
Otto Engineering Thermodynamics.png 252 × 253; 2 KB
Perturbed Energy Spectrum.png 250 × 150; 3 KB
Piano keys.gif 409 × 300; 7 KB
Plastic Solid Mechanics.png 125 × 123; 523 bytes
Playfair.png 188 × 274; 2 KB
Programming Visual Basic Optimization strings timing.png 494 × 488; 17 KB
Programming-Icon string indexing.png 300 × 70; 2 KB
ProgrammingHTML-tables-cellpadding.gif 247 × 210; 2 KB
Pvcarnot Engineering Thermodynamics.png 252 × 253; 2 KB
Rc circuit plot.png 320 × 240; 2 KB
Ringspecies.jpg 425 × 425; 20 KB
Rotation of a rectangle.png 462 × 221; 2 KB
SA NC Saaste Activities 25.png 637 × 221; 9 KB
SA NC Saaste Activities 27.png 856 × 268; 25 KB
SA NC Saaste Activities 29.png 850 × 394; 19 KB
SA NC Saaste Activities 3.png 650 × 372; 15 KB
SA NC Saaste Activities 30.png 640 × 153; 7 KB
SA NC Saaste Activities 31.png 208 × 204; 1 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 11.png 536 × 150; 90 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 12.png 378 × 192; 4 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 13.png 364 × 224; 10 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 15.png 69 × 92; 529 bytes
SA NC Saaste Modules 16.png 516 × 271; 12 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 17.png 511 × 269; 10 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 18.png 342 × 140; 1,010 bytes
SA NC Saaste Modules 19.png 410 × 543; 25 KB
SA NC Saaste Modules 24.png 456 × 115; 4 KB
SA NC Saaste science 2.png 584 × 234; 11 KB
Saintvenants Solid Mechanics.png 112 × 194; 781 bytes
Shearstrain Solid Mechanics.png 173 × 182; 2 KB
Si bandgap.png 648 × 435; 3 KB
Sig effect both.GIF 219 × 170; 2 KB
Sig fact b not a.gif 217 × 163; 1 KB
Sign maineffect no interaction.GIF 220 × 166; 2 KB
Similar1.png 473 × 271; 42 KB
SimpleArray.png 385 × 25; 596 bytes
Spinach'n'lemon.jpg 500 × 400; 49 KB
Stressconc Solid Mechanics.png 484 × 333; 4 KB
System Engineering Thermodynamics.png 257 × 165; 2 KB
Throttling Engineering Thermodynamics.png 228 × 35; 521 bytes
Torsion Solid Mechanics.png 264 × 71; 1 KB
Torsion twist Solid Mechanics.png 264 × 71; 1 KB
Trapizoidruleexample.jpg 271 × 246; 10 KB
Tresca Solid Mechanics.png 247 × 243; 1 KB
Tscarnot Engineering Thermodynamics.png 127 × 127; 689 bytes
Vonmises Solid Mechanics.png 292 × 289; 2 KB
Work notstate Engineering Thermodynamics.png 189 × 190; 2 KB
Zahlen 1 bis 12.ogg 38 s; 385 KB