Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e6/2. d4/2...d5/3. Nd2/3...Nf6/4. e5/4...Nfd7/5. Bd3/5...c5/6. c3

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French Defence: Tarrasch Variation
a b c d e f g h
8 a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8 8
7 a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7 7
6 a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6 6
5 a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5 5
4 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4 4
3 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 3
2 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 2
1 a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 1
a b c d e f g h
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)
Moves: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. Bd3 c5 6. c3

French Defence: Tarrasch Variation / 3....Nf6

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Here Black usually increases the pressure against White's center pawns by playing 6....Nc6; ...Qb6 may follow. In order to defend the d4 pawn, white may consider to put a knight in f3, which can be done in two ways : either Ngf3 or Ndf3 (letting the g1 knight play on e2 to strenghten d4). White may choose to play f4 before to defend e5 as well and prepare kingside action but this sharp move can also be a weakness for a white short castle.

Theory table

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For explanation of theory tables, see theory table and for notation, see algebraic notation..

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Bd3 c5 6.c3
Main line 6....Nc6 =

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