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Précis of epistemology/Applications

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We apply epistemology when we apply the schemas method in all areas where rational intelligence can be exercised. Epistemology gives good principles to recognize all good principles, good schemas to recognize all good schemas, good theories to recognize all good theories, it is like the superscience of all sciences. To acquire good knowledge, one must know how to recognize it and evaluate it when it is found, and one must know how to give oneself the means to acquire it. Epistemological knowledge is always at the heart of knowledge, it accompanies all forms of knowledge. None can do without it, because to know well, we have to know how to recognize good knowledge.

Epistemological knowledge is of paramount importance for the research and evaluation of the principles of science. It enables to explain, to justify, even to correct, the principles of the great scientific theories. Research on principles is applied epistemological research. Examples: quantum physics is much better without the principle of wave packet reduction, because with it the theory is inconsistent. The ZFC theory adopted by most mathematicians is false because it asserts the existence of sets which do not exist. It must be modified to guarantee the truth of our axioms, and that of the theorems.

Epistemology is itself an application of epistemology, because the good knowledge with which we justify all the good knowledge can also be used to justify itself. Psychology, ethics and logic are applications of primary importance for epistemology, because it is itself a psychological and ethical knowledge, which like all sciences respects logic.

The applications of epistemology can be very concrete. In all practical areas where the acquisition and use of good knowledge is of crucial importance, so almost always, a solid epistemological knowledge can prove its usefulness. Pedagogy and cognitive therapy are directly relevant, but more generally most issues of importance to humans depend on our ability to collectively acquire and use knowledge: public health, ecology, economics and finance, justice and democracy, truth and lies in the media, reliability and safety of equipment ...