
From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
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Enchantments can be added to tools, weapons and armor with an enchantment table or an enchanted book.

Up to five (more on books) enchantments can be put one one item, with the use of an anvil. More than five can be added to books, so careful selection will allow to create, for e.g, a maxed-out sword.

Warning: do not repair enchanted items on a crafting grid as any enchantments will be lost!

Enchantments can be removed by force with a grindstone, which gives you some exp. points back.


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Each enchantable item has enchantability, a value decides how rare, powerful and how many enchantments it gets from an enchantment table. The weaker the material, the higher the enchantability, with few exceptions (chain armour has a higher enchantability higher than leather armour, even though it is stronger). Books have an enchantability of 1, but enchantability seems to be ignored for them, almost always getting 2 or more enchantments.

Enchantment protection factor

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Each protection enchantment provides an enchantment protection factor, or EPF for short. When protection enchantments are on multiple peices of equipped armour, EPF is added up, and capped to 20. Each point grants 4% protection, for a maximum of 80% damage reduced.

Enchantment Damage reduced for EPF on level I EPF on level II EPF on level III EPF on level IV
Protection All damage types below and mob/player attacks 1 2 3 4
Fire protection Fire, lava and fireballs 2 4 6 8
Blast protection Explosions 2 4 6 8
Projectile protection Arrows, fireballs, tridents, ect. 2 4 6 8
Feather falling Fall damage 3 6 9 12

Conflicting enchantments

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Some enchantments conflict with each-other. This means that they cannot be both placed on one item at the same time. Attempting to place an enchantment to an item removes all enchantments that conflict with it. This only happens on bedrock and java edition. On other editions, the only way to put a conflicting enchantment on an item is to start fresh: make a new one or use a crafting table to repair the item and remove enchantments. Why not just use a grindstone? They don't exist on editions that you would have this problem on - except for PS4.

Enchanted books

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You can place any enchantment on a book, or find the books all around the world. They can be a way to ensure you don't accidentally get an enchantment that you don't like. They are also used to add more enchantments on one item, or increase an enchantment's level.

Treasure enchantments

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These are enchantments that can only be obtained from enchanted books around the world.

Enchantment Location
Mending Fishing, trading
Frost walker Fishing, some chests
Curse of binding Fishing, end city loot
Curse of vanishing Fishing, end city loot
Sneak speed Ancient city loot
Soul speed Nether bastion loot

List of enchantments

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Primary items: Items that can get an enchantment from an enchantment table.

Secondary items: Items that can only get an enchantment from an enchanted book or be found with this enchantment through other means.

Max power level: The maximum level an enchantment can reach. Enchantments cannot get more powerful than this without cheating.

Weight: The chance to get it on an enchantment table.

Conflicts with: Enchantments that cannot be added to an item along with this one.

Aqua affinity
Primary items helmet
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Increases mining speed while underwater.

Bane of arthropods
Primary items sword
Secondary items axe
Max power level V (5)
weight 5
Conflicts with sharpness, smite
Increased damage to arthropods (insects, basically), also slows them.

Blast protection
Primary items armour
Secondary items none
Max power level IV (4)
weight 2
Conflicts with fire protection, protection, projectile protection
Lowers damage and knockback from explosions.

Primary items trident
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 2
Conflicts with riptide
When thrown, if it hits a mob that is exposed to sky, it summons a bolt lightning during a thunderstorm.

Curse of binding
Primary items none
Secondary items armour, elytra, mob heads, pumpkin
Max power level I (1)
weight treasure only
Conflicts with nothing
Makes you unable to remove the enchanted piece of equipment.

Curse of vanishing
Primary items none
Secondary items everything
Max power level I (1)
weight treasure only
Conflicts with nothing
Instead of dropping when you die, the enchanted item is destroyed. Only occurs if it keep inventory is off.

Depth strider
Primary items boots
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with frost walker
Increases speed while in water, and makes it easier to swim against a current.

Primary items pickaxe, axe, shovel
Secondary items shears
Max power level V (5)
weight 10
Conflicts with nothing
Increases mining speed when mining a block the enchanted tool was designed to break.

Feather falling
Primary items boots
Secondary items none
Max power level IV (4)
weight 5
Conflicts with nothing
Decreases fall damage and damage from using an ender pearl.

Fire aspect
Primary items sword
Secondary items none
Max power level II (2)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Sets mobs on fire when you hit them.

Fire protection
Primary items armour
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 2
Conflicts with blast protection, projectile protection, protection
Decreases damage taken from fire and lava, and reduces the time you're on fire. Wearing full netherite armour, if one piece has fire protection 4, you are completly immune to fire.

Primary items bow
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Sets mobs on fire when you hit them with fire, and allows setting TNT alight.

Primary items pickaxe, axe, shovel
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with silk touch
Increases the item drops when breaking blocks. Only works for blocks that do not drop themselves.

Frost Walker
Primary items none
Secondary items boots
Max power level II (2)
weight treasure only
Conflicts with depth strider
Prevents damage from magma blocks and turns nearby water to temporary ice that lasts longer on higher levels.

Primary items bow
Secondary items none
Max power level II (2)
weight 1
Conflicts with nothing
You never consume regular arrows when you shoot.

Primary items sword
Secondary items none
Max power level II (2)
weight 5
Conflicts with nothing
Increases knockback for your weapon.

Primary items sword
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Increases mob loot drops when you kill a mob.

Primary items trident
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with riptide
When thrown, the trident comes back to you and cannot be picked up by other players.

Luck of the sea
Primary items fishing rod
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Increases fishing luck, making you more likely to catch treasure.

Primary items fishing rod
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Decreases the time it takes for you to hook something with your rod while fishing and increases chance to get fish.

Primary items none
Secondary items all items with durability
Max power level I (1)
weight treasure only
Conflicts with infinity
If the enchanted item is held or worn and is not on full durability when you pick up exp. points, its durability goes up by 2 points, but you won't gain exp. when this happens.

Primary items crossbow
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 5
Conflicts with piercing
Shoots 3 arrows at once in a spread. Only consumes one.

Primary items crossbow
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 5
Conflicts with multishot
Makes arrows pierce enemies, so they go through them instead of sticking into them, potentially hitting multiple enemies.

Primary items bow, crossbow
Secondary items none
Max power level V (5)
weight 10
Conflicts with nothing
Increases arrow damage by a lot.

Projectile protection
Primary items armour
Secondary items none
Max power level IV (4)
weight 5
Conflicts with blast protection, fire protection, protection
Decreases damage from projectiles (any flying object, like arrows, fire balls and thrown tridents).

Primary items armour
Secondary items none
Max power level IV (4)
weight 10
Conflicts with nothing
Decreases damage from all sources, exept for falling, hunger and the void.

Primary items bow
Secondary items none
Max power level II (2)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Increases arrow knockback.

Quick charge
Primary items crossbow
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 5
Conflicts with nothing
Decreases the time needed to reload the crossbow.

Primary items helmet
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 2
Conflicts with nothing
Increases underwater breathing time by 15 seconds per level. Also increases underwater visibility slightly.

Primary items trident
Secondary items none
Max power level I (1)
weight 5
Conflicts with channelling, loyalty
When you throw your trident, you hold onto it. It can only be thrown if you are in water or in rain.

Sneak speed
Primary items none
Secondary items leggings
Max power level III (3)
weight treasure only
Conflicts with nothing
Increases speed while sneaking.

Soul speed
Primary items none
Secondary items boots
Max power level III (3)
weight treasure only
Conflicts with nothing
Increases speed when walking on soul sand, however it damages the enchanted gear when doing so.

Primary items sword
Secondary items axe
Max power level V (5)
weight 10
Conflicts with smite, bane of arthropods
Increases damage. Formula is (0.5 * power level) + 0.5.

Silk touch
Primary items axe, shovel, pickaxe
Secondary items shears
Max power level III (3)
weight 1
Conflicts with fortune
Causes certain blocks to drop themselves instead of another item. See the block description page to see what an item drops, with and without silk touch.

Primary items sword
Secondary items axe
Max power level V (5)
weight 5
Conflicts with sharpness, bane of arthropods
Increases damage to the undead.

Sweeping edge
Primary items sword (java edition only)
Secondary items none
Max power level III (3)
weight 1
Conflicts with nothing
Increases damage of the swords sweep attack.

Primary items chestplate
Secondary items other armour
Max power level III (3)
weight 1
Conflicts with nothing
When you take damage, the attacker takes damage too, but halves the armour's durability.

Primary items armour, tools, all weapons, fishing rod
Secondary items elytra, shield
Max power level III (3)
weight 5
Conflicts with nothing
Decreases the durability lost.