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Sport Innovation/Active Network/Ironman/Registration Process

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One of the corporate users of the Active.com's event management software in the registration process, is the triathlon organisation Ironman. By clicking into Activeglobal.com and searching for Ironman in the search field, a range of Ironman events is listed for the user to chose. From there, it seems that the same template have been used for all Ironman races. For example, Ironman 70.3 California:

An introductory page features short and concise practical information about this particular event, such as, date of event, address, fees for each entry period, a brief description of the courses. Furthermore, participants are being made aware of the rules and regulation the must abide by: - Event refund policy in case of withdrawal - Which rule set is being applied for the particular event, typically the national triathlon organization of the particular country in which the event takes place, which in this example is the USA Triathlon (USAT), which at the same time also abides by the rules and regulation set up by The International Triathlon Federation. Other than this, a link to the event organizers page is provided, as well as a link to start the registration process.

The Active.com Ironman registration process begins by choosing in which category the athlete wish to compete (professional or age group), as well as acceptance of event organisers risk waivers (World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) licensing the Ironman races) and those of USAT. All this done by ticking the check boxes provided. Following this, the template consists of text boxes for participant information, scroll down windows for a range of different informations. The remaining parts of the registration is a payment site, and a site for print of receipt. The footing of all registration pages, consist of copyright and registered trademarks informations, as well as the corporate logos of Ironman partners.

Active Network in Action - Event management SaaS