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Warning: Malicious code can compromise your account. Page preview will cause your web browser to execute this page's content as code under some skins, including Monobook. If you have any questions about any code you plan to add, you can ask at the appropriate reading room. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:JJPMaster/rfi. |
// If you're testing this script, or if you're an interface admin who needs to shut it off in an emergency, set production = false. Otherwise, don't touch it.
var production = true;
var contentContent = document.getElementById("bodyContent");
mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", `/wiki/Special:MassRFI`, "Mass RFI", "p-massrfi", "Mass RFI request maker");
// Adapted from User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js
function prod() {
if (production) return "Wikibooks:Requests_for_import";
return "User:JJPMaster/rfi/sandbox";
function massRFIGetArticles() {
var articles = document.getElementById("wpMassRFIPages").value.split("\n");
var ret = [];
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {
var s = articles[i];
s = s.trim();
if (s) {
return ret;
async function parseRFI(merge) {
var params = {
action: 'parse',
page: prod(),
prop: 'sections',
format: 'json'
var api = new mw.Api();
var arr1;
var arr2;
const data = await api.get(params);
if (merge) return data.parse.sections.find((e) => e.line == "Import and Merge").index;
return data.parse.sections.find((e) => e.line == "Simple Imports").index;
function massRFIGetNewArticles(prefix) {
var newArts = [];
massRFIGetArticles().forEach((e) => {
regex = new RegExp('^' + document.getElementById("wpPipeTrick").value);
newArts.push(e.replace(regex, ""));
return newArts;
function massRFIPrepare(e) {
if (!wpPipeTrick.value) {
alert("You must add a prefix to remove.");
var MCarts = confirm("Your articles are these, right?\n" + massRFIGetArticles());
if (MCarts) MCcheck = confirm("And you want them to be imported to these titles, right?" + massRFIGetNewArticles($("#wpPipeTrick").val()));
if (MCcheck) MCfinal = confirm("Are you sure you want to make this request?");
if (MCfinal) doMassRFI();
function massRFIGenerateRequest(reason, xml) {
var req = "";
req = `\n== Request from {{SUBST:REVISIONUSER}} ({{SUBST:#time: d F Y}}) ==\n`;
for (var i = 0; i < massRFIGetArticles().length; i++) {
req = req + (`* [[${massRFIGetArticles()[i]}]] → [[${massRFIGetNewArticles()[i]}]]\n`);
req = req + reason + "\n\n";
if (xml) req = req + "This request requires an import uploader or administrator. ";
req = req + "~~~~";
return req;
async function doMassRFI() {
var params = {
action: 'edit',
title: prod(),
section: await parseRFI(getCheck(document.getElementById("wpMassRFICheck"))),
appendtext: massRFIGenerateRequest(document.getElementById("wpReason").value, getCheck(document.getElementById("wpMassRFICheckXML"))),
summary: 'Added import request using [[User:JJPMaster/rfi.js|script]]',
format: 'json'
api = new mw.Api();
const data = await api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params ).catch(e => handle(e));
console.log( data );
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", "") + getTitle(production);
}, 2000);
function getCheck(check) {
if(check.checked) return true;
return false;
function getTitle() {
title = prod();
var parsedVal = parseRFI(getCheck(document.getElementById("wpMassRFICheck")));
if (parsedVal == 3) {
title += "#Import_and_Merge";
else {
title += "#Simple_Imports";
return title;
$(function() {
if(mw.config.get("wgPageName").toLowerCase() == "special:massrfi") {
document.title = "Mass RFI - " + mw.config.get("wgSiteName");
document.getElementById("firstHeading").innerText = "Mass RFI";
// Adapted from [[User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js]]
contentContent.innerHTML = `<div style="display: flex;"><form id="wpMassRFI" name="wpMassRFI">
<b>If you abuse this tool, it\'s <i>your</i> fault, not mine.</b>
<div id="wpMassRFIFailedContainer"></div>
<br />
Pages to import (one on each line, please):<br />
<textarea tabindex="1" accesskey="," name="wpMassRFIPages" id="wpMassRFIPages" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
<input type="text" id="wpPipeTrick" name="wpPipeTrick" />
<label for="wpPipeTrick">Prefix to remove from pages (e.g. "w:es:")</label>
<br /><input type="text" id="wpReason" name="wpReason" />
<label for="wpReason">Reason for importation</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="wpMassRFICheck" name="wpMassRFICheck" />
<label for="wpMassRFICheck">Requires a history merge</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="wpMassRFICheckXML" name="wpMassRFICheckXML" />
<label for="wpMassRFICheckXML">Requires XML import</label>
<br />
<input type="submit"/>
document.getElementById("wpMassRFI").addEventListener("submit", massRFIPrepare);