A Field Guide to Final Fantasy's Creatures and Monsters/List 3
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The following is a list of non-sentient creatures from the Final Fantasy series and the titles in which they appear. For a list of sentient races and beings, see the Races of Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy (ファイナルファンタジー Fainaru Fantajī) is a popular series of role-playing games produced by Square Enix (originally Square Co., Ltd.). Monsters and creatures are common enemies within the games as antagonists to the playable characters, with usually no relevance to the storyline.
[edit | edit source]Ochu |
Ho-Chu (Final Fantasy VII - PC) |
The Ochu is one of the four classic monsters to originate directly from Dungeons and Dragons, the other three being Sahag, Beholder, and MingFlayer. The Ochu is based on the Dungeons and Dragons' Otyugh (also known as Gulguthra) which is a subterranean monster. Their described appearance is having huge, bloated bodies covered with a rock-like skin that is brownish gray in color, which is in turn covered with dung. They stand on three thick legs that give them slow ground movement but enable them to pivot quickly. They have three eyes on a leaf-like stalk that moves quickly from side to side, enabling them to scan a large area. The Ochu can fall asleep to regain some of its lost health, if woken up from its slumber by an attack, it unleashes a powerful earthquake.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy as Ochu/Ocho
- Final Fantasy VII as Ho-Chu
- Final Fantasy VIII through Final Fantasy X/X-2, Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles as Ochu
- Also in Final Fantasy X as Lord Ochu (boss), Ochu (Found later than Lord Ochu) and Mandragora
- Final Fantasy Tactics as Ochu and Lord Ochu
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as a Malboro and a Great Malboro, respectively named Ochu and Lord Ochu
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles as Ochu
[edit | edit source]Appearing only in Final Fantasy IX, the Oglop is a small buglike creature, and whilst you never get to battle an Oglop, they appear throughout the game. For reasons not revealed to the player, most denizens of the game's world find Oglops extraordinarily annoying and are depicted as apparently somewhat repulsive to most people (similar to how many are disgusted by creatures such as worms). It may be somewhat related to their erratic bouncing, the squelching noise they make and their skull-like facial features. They were seen first as part of Tantalus' plot to kidnap the princess, where they are planned to be used as a distraction due to their repulsive nature. Later on, when you first meet Regent Cid, you find out he has been transformed into an Oglop by his wife, Hilda, as he was being unfaithful to her.
Omega Weapon
[edit | edit source]Omega is the strongest opponent in the entire series put together. It first made its first appearance in Final Fantasy V. It is the final boss in Dirge of Cerberus.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy (Dawn of Souls) as Omega
- Final Fantasy V as Omega
- Final Fantasy V (Advance) as Omega and Omega Mk. II
- Final Fantasy VII/VII Compilation/D.o.C. as Omega Weapon
- Final Fantasy VIII as Omega Weapon
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 as Omega Weapon
- Final Fantasy XI as Omega and Proto-Omega
- Final Fantasy XII as Omega Mk. XII
- Final Fantasy Unlimited as Omega
[edit | edit source]Orc |
Orcs are common fantasy creatures originally conceived by J.R.R. Tolkien in his fictional works concerning the world of Middle-earth. Orcs are featured in Final Fantasy XI as a race of Beastmen.
Within the realm of Vana'diel, lust for combat and conquest drives most of the Orcs to join the ranks of their Imperial Army. All Orcs — male and female — are required to participate in years of military training, and even their social structure is based on military ranks.
Orcs have tribal hierarchy based on strength; those who prove most formidable in battle are higher in the pecking order; stronger orcs even employ means (such as attaching heavy weights to well-water buckets) to deny those weaker than themselves access to common resources.
From outward appearances, their cultural belief systems seem based in something like shamanism; magic-users, for instance, cover their heads with a hood which prevents the visual senses from being used, presumably in order to heighten their other senses.
While their technology appears rudimentary (most Orcish armor is evidently fashioned from leather, bone, and wood), they do employ metal weapons where available.
[edit | edit source]Papaopamus |
Papaopamus |
Appearing only in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, the Papaopamus is a large blue with silvery mane supposed hybrid of a hippopotamus and a horse. They don't play a role in the game other than being seen towing the caravan wagons in cut scenes and on the world map. They are docile but slow-moving.
[edit | edit source]A race of diminutive rat-like beastmen that reside with the civilized races of Vana'diel. They tend to have an easygoing and cheerful personality, but have difficulty speaking the common language used by the civilized races due to their unusual vocal cords. Even so, it is not uncommon see a Qiqirn working as assistant due to their reliability and surprisingly quick wits. According to their oral tradition, the ancestors of the Qiqirn lived a nomadic life in the northern lands. Remnants of the Qiqirn's ancient lifestyle may be seen in their unique customs, such as their sheep-led wagon homes, their leather clothing, and their habit of carrying their valuables with them at all times.
[edit | edit source]Quadav |
Quadav (Final Fantasy XI - PC/PS2/Xbox360) |
The Quadav are a race of turtle-like bipeds that inhabit certain swampy regions, as well as subterranean caverns, on the continent of Quon in Vana'diel, the world in which Final Fantasy XI takes place. The Quadav are one of the races of Beastmen depicted in the game.
Apparently closely tied to the earth in which they work and live, the Quadav identify themselves individually and culturally with the materials with which they work. As their shells thicken with age, the titles given to individual Quadav change. Within their strict caste system, those chosen to serve in the Elite Guard are given titles portraying hard and precious metals, while those chosen to be magicians are given titles taken from precious gems.
The Quadav have long possessed an understanding of metallurgical technology, and have adapted their skills in metalworking to even create fire-fueled incubators with pipes to carry warm air into the ground to warm the damp caves where their eggs are kept. The incursion of miners from the Bastok nation have repressed the Quadav and driven them out of territories which they have long occupied, to which they respond with aggressive acts against most foreigners they encounter.
[edit | edit source]Sahagin |
Sahagin (Final Fantasy XI - PC) Sahagin (Final Fantasy VII - PC) |
The Sahagins are one of the four monsters of the original Final Fantasy game to directly originate from the Dungeons and Dragons game, the other three being the Otyugh (called "Ocho"), Mind-Flayer, and Beholder. However, the sahuagins are originally based on old Eastern European legends of hags, also referred to as "sea hags". These were creatures similar to the Greek siren which appeared to sailors as beautiful women. However, as the sailors neared them, they revealed their true form, that of an ugly old woman, and eventually led them to their doom.
But their names and exact shapes are related to Sahuagins from Dungeons and Dragons.
Sahagin's are primarily a water type enemy, usually appearing early in the game as a low-level monster. Their appearance can vary, in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX they are seen as turtle like. While in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XI they are seen more fish-like. Sometimes a desert-variety appears before the water-variety, and it primarily uses wind-attacks.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy as Sahagin/Sahag
- Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX through Final Fantasy XI (including Final Fantasy X-2) and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles as Sahagin
- Final Fantasy III as Sahuagin
- Final Fantasy IV as WaterHag
- Final Fantasy IV Advance as Desert Sahagin, Sahagin, and Sahagin Prince
- Final Fantasy V as Fins
- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest as WaterHag (Desert Hag is named Sahuagin in the Japanese localization while the English localization's WaterHag is named otherwise)
Sand Worm
[edit | edit source]Sand Worm |
Sand Worm/Earth Worm (Final Fantasy X/X-2 - PS2) Land Worm (Final Fantasy VII - PC) |
The Sand Worm resembles a large earthworm and is commonly found living in desert areas. As such it was most likely influenced by the Sand Worms in Frank Herbert's Dune series. It has a tendency to swallow and regurgitate party members.
The Sand Worm also has a surprisingly large amount of HP which may prove daunting to weak parties. It can also cause earthquakes with its size and weight. It also generates cyclones with their large exhaled breaths.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy through Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest as Sand Worm
- Final Fantasy also as Gigas Worm
- Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy VII as Aqua Worm
- Final Fantasy IV as Red Worm
- Final Fantasy IV Advance as Sand Worm, Flood Worm, Abyss Worm, and Gigas Worm (Boss)
- Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX as Land Worm
- Final Fantasy VI as Hoover and Zone Eater
- Final Fantasy VIII as Abyss Worm
- Final Fantasy X also as Abyss Worm (via the Monster Arena, as part of the Area Conquest Creations)
- Final Fantasy X-2 as Earth Worm
- Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles as Cave Worm (Boss)
[edit | edit source]Seal |
Sealion (Final Fantasy IX) |
Seal is encountered as a boss or a tough enemy in Final Fantasy. They are usually affiliated with ice or water elemental. The name of this creature is different depending on which Final Fantasy it's in. They are based from marine mammals: seals and sealions.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy VIII as Snowlion in the American version and Arctic Seal in the Japanese version
- Final Fantasy IX as Sealion
[edit | edit source]Shoopuf |
Shoopuf (Final Fantasy X/X-2 - PS2) |
A strange, amphibious elephantine creature that appears in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 which is used for traveling purposes, the Shoopuf apparently doesn't eat, seeming to nourish itself from zooplankton it inhales from its long snout. The Hypello tribe drive shoopuf ferries across the Moonflow.
[edit | edit source]Stilva |
Materia Keeper Stilva (Final Fantasy IX) |
Stilva is a usually a giant red or green insect creature with a rhino-beetle head. They are also one of the toughest enemies encountered near the last dungeon. In VII Stilva uses Magic Breath, an enemy skill which the player can obtain. As the Materia Keeper, the enemy skill Trine can be obtained which proves to be one of the most useful attacks at this point of the game. In IX, Stilva can use Mustard Bomb, an enemy skill which Quina can obtain if s/he successfully eats the monster.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy VII as Stilva and Materia Keeper
- Final Fantasy IX as Stilva and Blazer Beetle
- Final Fantasy XII as Stilva and Preying Mantis
[edit | edit source]Summon |
Bahamut (Final Fantasy XI - PC) |
Summon magic is one of the principal types of magical attack in the Final Fantasy series. A summoning spell brings a powerful monster onto the field of battle, who will typically perform a major attack on every opponent. The creatures first appeared in Final Fantasy III as Summons and are also referred to as Summons in Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy V.
Final Fantasy VI is the first title to use a new name for the creatures, referring to them as Espers and it is also the first time that summons play a role in a Final Fantasy title. Final Fantasy Tactics refers to them as summoned monsters and only those of the Summoner class can call them to battle. In Final Fantasy VII, summons become part of the Materia system. In Final Fantasy VIII, they are referred to as Guardian Forces and are important to the storyline once again. Their importance to the storyline continues in Final Fantasy IX as Eidolons, and in Final Fantasy X and its sequel Final Fantasy X-2, where they are Aeons. The anime Final Fantasy Unlimited used a variety of Summons, with some left over for the series aftermath. Final Fantasy XI includes them as Avatars. Final Fantasy XII reused the term Esper and they again become prominent in the story.
[edit | edit source]Tiamat |
Tiamat (Final Fantasy XI - PC/PS2) Tiamat (Final Fantasy IX - PS) |
Tiamat is a primeval goddess in Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and a central figure in the Enûma Elish creation epic. The text tehom appears in various Semitic texts, simply meaning the deep. Tiamat is a depersonalised version of this text, as '-at' is a feminine suffix. Apparently Tiamat was an ocean goddess that created the world with her husband Apsu, and when he got killed Tiamat went mad/evil and tried to destroy the gods, which were her children. She transforms in to a dragon at the fight. The Tiamat appearing in video games bears the appearance of a five-headed (sometimes three-headed) dragon which has no relation to the appearance of the actual Tiamat's appearance, since she only had one head.
In Final Fantasy IX, Tiamat appears two times, one as a regular version seen on the right, and one as a bizarre colored version which appears in the Crystal World. In Final Fantasy XII, Tiamat is a boss that appears as a large wyrm with a giant floating ring around its head, evoked from its slumber within the Henne Mines by the Nethicite. Tiamat also appears in Final Fantasy XI as a powerful dragon NM (Notorious Monster) known as a Wyrm.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX (boss) , Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XII (boss) and Final Fantasy Tactics as Tiamat
- Final Fantasy IV as Wyvern
[edit | edit source]Tonberry |
Tonberry artwork (Final Fantasy IX - PS) Tonberry (Final Fantasy VII - PC) Tonberry (Final Fantasy XI - PC) |
A Tonberry is quite small, usually no larger than two or three feet tall. It has green skin and a round head with a small snout and round yellow eyes; it walks on two legs and resembles, to some small degree, a bipedal lizard. However, it always wears a hooded cloak, usually plain brown or grey in color, and its dolphin-like tail can be seen peeking out from beneath the hem. A Tonberry always carries two things: a lantern in one hand to light its way through the caves, and a long, sharp chef's knife in the other. Most of their incarnations possess the ability to deal extreme damage or instant death (usually by a short stab) to one or all members of the player's party, earning them their notorious reputation. In Final Fantasy XI there were a subgroup of Tonberries known as Cryptonberries found mainly in the ruins of Pso'Xja.
In Crystal Chronicles, there were Tonberry Chefs, which you had to kill all of them to make the boss of that area appear.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy V as Dinglberry (short for Dingleberry)
- Final Fantasy VI as Pug or Pugs when in a group, there was also an optional boss called Master Pug
- Final Fantasy VII through Final Fantasy XI (including Final Fantasy X-2), and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles as Tonberry and Tonberry Chef
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as Tonberry and Masterberry
- Final Fantasy VIII also as Tonberry King, who, if you beat him, turns into a Guardian Force.
- Final Fantasy X also as Master Tonberry and Don Tonberry (via the Monster Arena, as part of the Area Conquest Creations)
- Final Fantasy X-2 also as a larger (similar to Jumbo Cactuar) variation called Mega Tonberry (underneath Bevelle)
- Final Fantasy XI as the following Tonberry Beastmen - Creeper, Harasser, Hexer, Jinxer, Chopper, Shadower, Cutter, Harrier, Stalker, Dismayer, Maledictor, Pursuer, and Stabber.
- In Kingdom Hearts II it appeared as a special Gummi Ship blueprint that can be obtained through Gummi Ship missions.
Ultima Weapon
[edit | edit source]Ultima Weapon is considered one of the strongest opponents in the series. Its appearance changes from each game. It can be obtained as a usable sword in some of the Final Fantasy games. It has a powerful attack called Ultima Beam, as well to cast the spell Ultima. In FFVII it is part of the storyline. While in VIII it holds the final guardian force Eden. It originally made its first appearance in Final Fantasy VI.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy II (Dawn of Souls) as Ultima Weapon
- Final Fantasy VI as Ultima Weapon in Japanese and Atma Weapon in English
- Final Fantasy VII as Ultima Weapon in Japanese and Ultimate Weapon in English
- Final Fantasy VIII as Ultima Weapon
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 as Ultima Weapon
- Final Fantasy XI as Ultima and Proto-Ultima
[edit | edit source]Unknown are creatures that are often disfigured and odd looking. They make their homes in dungeons and are often difficult to defeat. They can usually decimate a party single-handedly. They originally appeared in Final Fantasy V.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy V as Unknown Green Slime 47, Unknown Skeleton 47, Unknown Spore 41, and Unknown Worm 46
- Final Fantasy VII as Unknown, Unknown 2, and Unknown 3
[edit | edit source]Wendigo is often a huge ape-like beast that has made multiple appearances in Final Fantasy. It is usually very big and has white fur. It sometimes appears as a floating creature with no legs, which while seeming strange in contrast to the other more traditional Bigfoot-like forms, is probably more accurate to the Wendigo of Anishinaabe mythology from which the creature is based. Its swap palette is called Sasquatch or Yeti.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy II as Wendigo, Sasquatch and Yeti
- Final Fantasy III as Wendigo
- Final Fantasy VIII as Wendigo
- Final Fantasy IX as Yeti
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 as Ogre-type Fiend Wendigo(Boss)
- Final Fantasy XII as Headless type Giants Wendigo and as Behemoth-type giant Yeti
[edit | edit source]Yagudo |
Yagudo (Final Fantasy XI - PC/PS2/Xbox360) |
The Yagudo are a race of birdlike bipeds inhabiting the continent of Mindartia in the world Vana'diel depicted in Final Fantasy XI. The Yagudo are a race of Beastmen.
Violently devout and ritualistic, the Yagudo are a race of religious zealots, their society appearing to be based on a strict religious hierarchy. Yagudo show little technological development, living instead in austere constructions of wattle-and-daub, as well as cliffside caves. Their most formidable architectural construct is Castle Oztroja, which may be more appropriately considered a temple than a castle, for it exists as a gateway to the location of the manifestation of their Godhead, known as "the avatar." They use few tools or weapons, except for occasional clubs and swords, and wear no armor, excepting the fact that magic-using classes cover their faces with ceremonial masks.
While apparently unconcerned with efforts of conquest, as the Orcish race is, the Yagudo's primary conflict with outsiders comes as a response to disputes over the right to occupy the land which they consider to be hereditarily and traditionally their own. The Yagudo hold a tentative treaty of non-aggression with the Tarutaru nation of Windurst, representing the only case of such between a Beastman race and a developed nation.
[edit | edit source]Zu |
Zu (Final Fantasy X/X-2 - PS2) Zuu (Final Fantasy VII - PC)Zuu (Final Fantasy IX)Zuu (Final Fantasy V) |
In Mesopotamian mythology, Zu (called Anzu in Persia and Sumer) was a lesser god, the son of the bird goddess Siris. Both Zu and Siris are seen as massive birds who can breathe fire and water, although Zu is alternately seen as a lion-headed eagle (compare with the Griffin). In Final Fantasy XI, the Zu appears as a noticeably smaller, more vulture-like species.
Appeared in:
- Final Fantasy as Roc
- Final Fantasy III as Rukh and Simurgh
- Final Fantasy IV as Raven and Roc
- Final Fantasy IV Advance as Zu, Roc, and Stratoavis
- Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX as Zuu
- Final Fantasy VI as Harpiai, Harpy, and Aquila
- Final Fantasy IX as Zuu
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 as Roc-type Fiends: Zu, Garuda, Starto Avis, Ruhk
- Final Fantasy XI as Zu, Ba, Carrion Crow, Toucan, etc.
- Final Fantasy XII as Zu, Dive Talon, Garuda, Vulture, Pyrolisk, Charybteryx
- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest as Pazuzu and Zuh
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles as Zu