A Guidebook for Managing Telecentre Networks/Acronyms

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AED Academy for Educational Development
ATN Associação Telecentro de Informação e Negócios (Brazil’s Telecentre Information and Business Association)
BCTN Burundi Community Telecentre Network
BoP Bottom of the Pyramid
BTN Bangladesh Telecentre Network
CAICC Centro de Apoio à Informação e Comunicação Comunitária (Community Information Communication Support Centre)
CeC Community eCenter
CRID Rural Center of Digital Inclusion in Brazil
CTSP Microsoft’s Community Technology Skills Program
FATEMA Federation des Telecentres du Mali (Federation of Telecentres in Mali)
GCC Global Communication Center
ICTA Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka
ICT4D Information and Communication for Development
IDRC International Development Research Centre
IKB Information and Knowledge Base
IRRI International Rice Research Institute
ITU International Telecommunications Union
KenTel Kenya Network of Telecentres
KM Knowledge Management
KS Knowledge Sharing
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MSN Microsoft Network (Messenger)
NCC-ICT National Computer Center of the Commission on ICT
NGO Non-Government Organization
OVOP One Village One Portal
PhilCeCNet The Philippine Community eCenter Network, Inc.
RKB Rice Knowledge Bank
RTN Rwanda Telecentre Network
SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
SME Small and Medium Enterprise
TASA Telecentre Association of South Africa
TCN Telecentre Network
TTN Tanzania Telecentre Network
UEM Eduardo Mondlane University (Maputo)
USAID United States Agency for International Development
KEC Knowledge Exchange Conferences
tPCA telecentre.org Philippine Community eCenter Academy
CeCNet Community eCenter Network of the Philippines
TBI Telecentres of Business and Information in Brazil
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNV United Nations Volunteers
WSIS World Summit of the Information Society (Tunis, 2005)