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A Reference Guide to Cases in the Ukrainian Language/Printable version

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A Reference Guide to Cases in the Ukrainian Language

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Locative case

The locative case is used to denote where something or someone is in Ukrainian.


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Singular nouns

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Changes Examples
Most words Add -і to the ending of the nominative form. Any ь or vowel should be dropped from the end of the word університет -> університеті
All nouns ending in -ка, and some nouns ending in -к Replace the ending with -ці зупинка -> зупинці
урок -> уроці
All nouns ending in -га, and some nouns ending in -г or -го Replace the ending with -зі книга -> книзі
All nouns ending in -ха, and some nouns ending in -х or -хо Replace the ending with -сі капелюх -> капелюсі
Masculine nouns that end in -й Change the ending to -ї музей -> музеї
Feminine nouns that end in -їя or -ея Change the final -я to -ї лекція -> лекції
Masculine nouns that end in -ок Change the ending to -ку будинок -> будинку
Most Masculine nouns that end in -к Add -у to the end парк -> парку
Some neuter nouns that are clearly foreign borrowings Do not change таксі -> таксі
інтервʼю —> інтервʼю

Plural nouns

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Changes Examples
Masculine nouns that end in a hard constant Add -ах to the end of the word гори (гір) -> горах
Masculine nouns that end in -й or -ь Replace the ending with -ях
Feminine nouns that end in -а Replace the ending with -ах
Feminine nouns that end in -я Replace the ending with -ях лекції (лекція) -> лекціях


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Word in Nominative Word in Vocative
сад саду
рік році
урок уроку
аеропорт аеропорту

Vocative case

The vocative case is used to address someone in Ukrainian.


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Masculine Nouns

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Changes Examples
Masculine names that end in -а The ending changes to -о Микола -> Миколо
Masculine nouns that end with a consonant or and о Their endings change to -е Степан -> Степане
Пан Михайло -> Пане Михайле
Masculine nouns that end with -ко, -ик Take the у ending Марко -> Марку
Петрик -> Петрику
Male patronymic names Add у to the add Ігор Михайлович -> Ігоре Михайловичу
Masculine nouns that end with ь or й Change the ending to ю Андрій -> Андрію
дідусь -> дідусю
Masculine nouns that end with -ар Add ю to the word кухар -> кухарю

Feminine nouns

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Changes Examples
Feminine nouns that end in -а The ending changes to -о мама -> мамо
Оксана -> Оксано
Feminine nouns that end with a consonant + я Their ending changes to -ю Галя -> Галю
Female last names Don’t change
Foreign female first names that don’t end with -а or -я Don’t change

Plural Nouns

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Most plural nouns do not change in vocative case, so “Dear friends” would be «Дорогі друзі». The word пани, does change to панове, and «Пані та панове» is the equivalent of “ladies and gentlemen”.


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Word in Nominative Word in Vocative
Бог Боже
дід діду
друг друже
пані пані
син сину
тато тату
хлопець хлопче
чоловік чоловіче
пани панове