Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Directories

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Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.

This language feature is only available from Ada 2005 on.

Ada.Directories is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2005. It allows various manipulations and queries of the filesystem directories.

The Package Directories

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Used for simple directory manipulation as defined in Ada 2005.

Traversing Directories

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Changing the current working directory is done with Set_Directory. The remaining functions are fairly self-explanatory with the exception of Containing_Directory, which returns the name of the directory containing the given directory.

   function Current_Directory return String;
   procedure Set_Directory (Directory : in String);
   function Exists (Name : in String) return Boolean;
   function Containing_Directory (Name : in String) return String;

Enumerating Directory Entries

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This example enumerates the all the entries in the current working directory, that end in ".gpr". The Start_Search procedure is used to start enumerating a directory. It will To remove the filter criteria you can pass an empty string. Iterating through the directory involves calling Get_Next_Entry to return the next directory entry and More_Entries to check for more entries. Once the search is complete, call End_Search.

   type Search_Type is limited private;
   type Directory_Entry_Type is limited private;

   procedure Start_Search (Search    : in out Search_Type;
                          Directory : in String;
                          Pattern   : in String;
                          Filter    : in Filter_Type := (others => True));
   procedure Get_Next_Entry (Search : in out Search_Type; Directory_Entry : out Directory_Entry_Type);
   function More_Entries (Search : in Search_Type) return Boolean;
   procedure End_Search (Search : in out Search_Type);

The resulting Directory_Entry_Type has a full name, simple name, size, kind, and modification type.

  function Simple_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return String;
  function Full_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return String;
  function Kind (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Kind; --  Directory, Ordinary_File, Special_File
  function Size (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Size;
  function Modification_Time (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return Ada.Calendar.Time;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Directories;
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Directories;
procedure Main is
  Dir : Directory_Entry_Type;
  Dir_Search : Search_Type;
  Curr_Dir : string := Current_Directory;
  Put("Current Directory: ");
  Start_Search(Search => Dir_Search,
               Directory => Curr_Dir,
               Pattern => "*.gpr");
     Get_Next_Entry(Dir_Search, Dir);
     if Kind(Dir) = Ordinary_File then
     end if;
     exit when not More_Entries(Dir_Search);
  end loop;
end Main;

Directory Manipulation

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Creating a directory is done with Create_Directory. Create_Path creates all the directories in the path. The directory path on GNAT Ada can contain either "\" or "/" characters. Rename renames a directory or file within a directory. <Delete_Tree> deletes an entire hierarchy of directories and files. Delete_Directory deletes an empty directory (non-empty directories throw a Use_Error exception. Delete_File deletes an ordinary file in a directory. Note that the Form parameters is implementation specific. On the version of GNAT Ada I'm using, it can only be used to set the encoding.

   procedure Create_Directory (New_Directory : in String; Form : in String := "");
   procedure Create_Path (New_Directory : in String; Form : in String := "");
   procedure Rename (Old_Name, New_Name : in String);
   procedure Delete_Tree (Directory : in String);
   procedure Delete_Directory (Directory : in String);
   procedure Delete_File (Name : in String);

Below is a simple example that creates a set of directories and iterates through those directories. Note that it runs on both Windows and Linux with the "/" path separator. The returned path separators are appropriate to the filesystem (e.g. Windows return "\").

procedure Main is
  Dir : Directory_Entry_Type;
  Dir_Search : Search_Type;   
  Start_Search(Search => Dir_Search, Directory => Curr_Dir, Pattern => "");
     Get_Next_Entry(Dir_Search, Dir);
     exit when not More_Entries(Dir_Search);
  end loop;
end Main;


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Status_Error is raised if a directory entry is invalid or when enumerating directories past the last directory. Name_Error is usually thrown if the directory or filename is not able to identify a file or directory (either non-existent or invalid depending on context). Use_Error is thrown if directories are not supported or directories are not traversable.

  Status_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error;
  Name_Error   : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error;
  Use_Error    : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
  Device_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;


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--                     Standard Ada library specification
--   Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Maxim Reznik <>
--   Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AXE Consultants
--   Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 Ada-Europe
--   Copyright (c) 2000 The MITRE Corporation, Inc.
--   Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Intermetrics, Inc.
--   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause and LicenseRef-AdaReferenceManual
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.IO_Exceptions;

package Ada.Directories is

   --   Directory and file operations:

   function Current_Directory return String;

   procedure Set_Directory (Directory : in String);

   procedure Create_Directory (New_Directory : in String;
                               Form          : in String := "");

   procedure Delete_Directory (Directory : in String);

   procedure Create_Path (New_Directory : in String;
                          Form          : in String := "");

   procedure Delete_Tree (Directory : in String);

   procedure Delete_File (Name : in String);

   procedure Rename (Old_Name : in String;
                     New_Name : in String);

   procedure Copy_File (Source_Name : in String;
                        Target_Name : in String;
                        Form        : in String := "");

   --   File and directory name operations:

   function Full_Name (Name : in String) return String;

   function Simple_Name (Name : in String) return String;

   function Containing_Directory (Name : in String) return String;

   function Extension (Name : in String) return String;

   function Base_Name (Name : in String) return String;

   function Compose (Containing_Directory : in String := "";
                     Name                 : in String;
                     Extension            : in String := "")
     return String;

   --   File and directory queries:

   type File_Kind is (Directory, Ordinary_File, Special_File);

   type File_Size is range 0 .. implementation_defined;

   function Exists (Name : in String) return Boolean;

   function Kind (Name : in String) return File_Kind;

   function Size (Name : in String) return File_Size;

   function Modification_Time (Name : in String) return Ada.Calendar.Time;

   --   Directory searching:

   type Directory_Entry_Type is limited private;

   type Filter_Type is array (File_Kind) of Boolean;

   type Search_Type is limited private;

   procedure Start_Search
    (Search     : in out Search_Type;
     Directory  : in     String;
     Pattern    : in     String;
     Filter     : in     Filter_Type := (others => True));

   procedure End_Search (Search : in out Search_Type);

   function More_Entries (Search : in Search_Type) return Boolean;

   procedure Get_Next_Entry (Search          : in out Search_Type;
                             Directory_Entry :    out Directory_Entry_Type);

   procedure Search
    (Directory : in String;
     Pattern   : in String;
     Filter    : in Filter_Type := (others => True);
     Process   : not null access procedure
                  (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type));

   --   Operations on Directory Entries:

   function Simple_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return String;

   function Full_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return String;

   function Kind (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return File_Kind;

   function Size (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return File_Size;

   function Modification_Time (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return Ada.Calendar.Time;

   Status_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error;
   Name_Error   : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error;
   Use_Error    : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
   Device_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;


   pragma Import (Ada, Directory_Entry_Type);
   pragma Import (Ada, Search_Type);

end Ada.Directories;

See also

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External examples

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Ada Reference Manual

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Ada 2005

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Ada 2012

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Open-Source Implementations

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