Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Vocational/Computer Advanced/OpenOffice

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Use the following functions of the word processing program:

Mail Merge

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Type and print a letter to at least five different people using the same text, but personalizing each letter with the addressee's name appearing at least three times.

The best instructions for doing this can be found in the Help pages of OpenOffice itself. Knowing that the function is called "mail merge" is the key to finding the right help page.

Right Justify

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Using the mouse, highlight the text you wish to right justify. Then click on the Format tab and select "Paragraph." Then click on the "Alignment" tab, check the box labelled "Right," and click on "OK".

Center Title

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This operation is identical to the "Right Justify" operation, except that instead of checking the "Right" box, check the "Justify" and select "Center" from the pull down menu.

Change margins and page length

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Click on "Format" and select "Page." Then click on the "Page" tab. This will bring up a window that will allow you to set the margins (left, right, top, and bottom) as well as the page dimensions.

Move paragraph

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Using the mouse, highlight the paragraph. Then type <ctrl>X to delete the paragraph. Move the mouse cursor to the paragraph's new location and type <ctrl>V.

Type <ctrl>S or select Save (or Save As) from the File menu.

Copy and Paste

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This is almost exactly the same as moving a paragraph, the only difference being that once the paragraph is highlighted you press <ctrl>C instead of <ctrl>X. This will put the highlighted text in the paste buffer, but it will not delete it from the document. It can then be pasted into a different place by typing <ctrl>V.