Albanian/Loan words for English speakers
< Albanian
The forms given for nouns are
- Singular, indefinite
- Singular, definite
- Plural indefinite
The forms given for adjectives are
- Masculine
- Feminine (always just add an 'e' to end)
The forms given for verbs are
- First person singular present indicative
- First person singular simple past
- Past participle
This list of loan words for English speakers originates from Jukeboksi's Consumerium development wiki user space and is included here under the clauses of CC BY-SA to benefit Wikibooks.
You may also wish to review words listed under French and Italian as the words in the are classified under the language that the pronunciation best matches and therefore there are many words resembling the English word, but listed under French or Italian.
Hopefully in the future these lists could be made into a database with Wikidata, removing the scatter inflicted by the fact that these are lists and not database entries.
[edit | edit source]- absurd, -e == absurd
- abuzim, -i, -e == an abuse
- abuzoj == to abuse
- administrativ, -e == administrative
- admirim, -i == admiration
- adoleshent, -i, -ë == an adolescent
- aeroplan, -i, -ë == an airplane
- aeroport, -i, -e == an airport
- aerobik, -e == aerobic (adj.)
- agoni, -a == an agony
- akademi, -a, - == an academy
- aksident, -i, -e == an accident
- akt, -i, -e == an act
- aktiv, -e == active
- aktivitet, -i, -e == an activity
- aktor, -i, -ë == an actor
- akuzë, -a, -a == an accusation
- akuzoj == to accuse
- aleancë, -a, -a == an alliance
- amendament, -i, -e == an amendment
- ambasador, -i, -ë == an ambassador
- amerikan, -i, -ë == an American
- amfiteatër, -ri, -ro == an amphitheater
- amnion, -i, -e (?) == an amnion
- anemi, -a, -a == an anemia
- anormal, -e == anormal
- antik, -e == antique
- antikitet, -i == antiquity
- antologji == an anthology
- apartament, -i, -e == an apartment
- aplikacion, -i, -e == an application
- aplikoj, -ova, -uar == to apply
- arkeolog, -u, -ë == an archaeologist
- arkeologjik, -e == archaeological
- arkitekturor, -e == architectural
- aromë, -a, -a == an aroma
- arrestim, -i, -e == an arrest
- arrestoj == to arrest
- arrij == to arrive
- arrogant, -e == arrogant
- arterie, -a, -e == an artery
- artikull, -lli, -j == an article
- artist, -i, -ë == an artist
- artistik, -e == artistic
- aspiratë, -a, -a == an aspiration
- atom, -i, -e == an atom
- atmosferë, -a, -a == an atmosphere
- audiencë, -a, -a == an audience
- autentik, -e == authentic
- autor, -i, -ë == an author
- autoritarist, -e == authoritarian
- autoritet, -i, -ë == an authority
[edit | edit source]- bakter, -e, bakterie == bacterium
- balet, -i, -e == a ballet
- banane, -ia, -e == a banana
- bankë, -a, -a == a bank
- banknotë, -a, -a == a banknote
- barbar, -e == barbaric
- barometër, -ri, -ra == a barometer
- basketboll, -i == basketball
- basketbollist, -i, -ë == a basketball player
- bazë, -ë, -a == a base
- berber, -i, -e == a barber
- biznesmen, -i, -ë == a businessman
- blasfemoj == to blaspheme
- bllokoj == to block
- blu == blue
- bojkot, -i, -e == a boycott
- botanik, -e == botanical
- brokoli == broccoli
- bunker, -i, -ë == a bunker
- burokratik, -e == bureaucratic
[edit | edit source]- celular, -e == cellular
- ceremoni, -a, - == a ceremony
- cikël, -li, -le == a cycle
- ciklon, -i, -e == a cyclone
- citoplazmë, -ë (?), -a == a cytoplasm
[edit | edit source]- çek, -ku, -qe == a check (payment instrument)
[edit | edit source]- datë, -a, -a == a date (time)
- datoj == to date (time)
- debat, -i, -e == a debate
- dekade, -ë, -a == a decade
- deklaratë, -a, -a == a declaration, a statement
- deklaroj == to declare
- dekret, -i, -e == a decree
- denoncoj == to denounce
- dentar, -e == dental
- demonstrativ, -e == demonstrative
- dentist, -i, -ë == a dentist
- derë, -a, dyer == a door
- desertor, -i ,-ë == a deserter
- deshirë, -a, -a == a desire
- deshiroj == to desire
- i,e detajuar == detailed
- dialekt, -i, -e == a dialect
- dietë, -a, -a == a diet
- dinamik, -e == dynamic
- diplomat, -i, -ë == a diplomat
- disidencë, -a, -a == dissidence
- disident, -i, -ë == a dissident
- diskutim, -i, -e == a discussion
- diskutoj == to discuss
- distancë, -a, -a == a distance
- dixhital == digital
- dizanoj == to design
- dokument, -i, -e == a document
- dokumentar, -i, -ë == a documentary
- domate, -ja, -e == a tomato
- dominoj == to dominate
- dozë, -a, -a == a dose
[edit | edit source]- editorial, -i, -e == an editorial
- edukatë, -a == an education
- efikasitet, -i, -e (?) == an efficacy
- egoist, -i, -ë == an egoist
- ekonomi, -a == economics
- ekonomik, -e == economical
- ekonomist, -i, -ë == an economist
- ekselencë, -a, -a == an excellence
- ekskursion, -i, -e == an excursion
- ekuilibër, -bri, -bri == an equilibrium
- ekzekutues, -e == executive
- elastik, -e == elastic
- elegant, -e == elegant
- elektoral, -e == electoral
- elektricitet, -i == electricity
- elektronik, -e == electronic
- element, -i, -e == an element
- eliminoj, -ova, -uar == to eliminate
- elitë, -a, -a == an elite
- embrion, -i, -e == an embryo
- emigrim, -i, -e == an emigration
- energji, -a, -të == an energy
- epidermë == an epidermis
- estetik, -e == aesthetic
[edit | edit source]- i famshëm, e famshme == famous
- favor, -i, -e == a favour
- fazë, -a, -a == a phase
- fakt, -i, -e == a fact
- fanellë, -a, -a == a flannel shirt, undershirt
- i favorishëm, e -me == favourable
- federal, -e == federal
- fenomen, -i, -e == a phenomenon
- festival, -i, -e == a festival
- fetus, -i, -e == a fetus
- fibër, -ra, -ra == a fiber
- filëte, -a, -a == a fillet
- film, -i, -a == a film
- finalizoj == to finalize
- financier, -i, -ë == a financier
- fiskal, -e == fiscal
- firmë, -a, -a == a firm (business)
- flagrant, -e == flagrant
- fleksibilitet, -i, -e (?) == a flexibility
- fluks, -i, -e == a flux
- formal, -e == formal
- formë, -a, -a == a form, shape (paper or digital form is formular)
- formoj == to form
- fotogjenik, -e == photogenic
- fotografi, -a, - == a photograph
- fragmentoj == to fragment
- frutë, -a, -a == a fruit
- furnizim, -i, -e == furnishing, supplies
- furnizoj == to furnish
- futboll, -i == football (soccer)
[edit | edit source]- galeri, -a, - == a gallery
- gest, -i, -e == a gesture
- gjenocid, -i, -e == a genocide
- global, -e == global
- glob, -i, -e == a globe
- glukozë, -a, -a == glucose
- gradë, -a, -a == a grade, quality
- gradual, -e == gradual
- grup, -i, -e == a group
- guvernator, -i, -ë == a governor
[edit | edit source]- gjerman, -i, -ë == German (nationality)
- gjerman, -e == German (adj.)
- gjigant, -e == gigantic
- gjimnastikor, -i == gymnastic (adj.)
[edit | edit source]- hamburger, -i, -ë == a hamburger
- harmonik, -e == harmonic
- hemoglobinë, -a, -a == a hemoglobin
- heretik, -u, -ë == a heretic
- hero, -i, -nj == a hero
- heroizëm, -zmi, -zma == a heroism
- hezitoj == to hesitate
- hibrid, -e == hybrid
- hierarkik, -e == hierarchical
- himn, -i, -e == a hymn
- hipokrit, -i, -ë == a hypocrite
- hipotezë, -a, -a == a hyptothesis
- historik, -e == historical
- holl, -i, -e == a hall
- horizont, -i, -e == a horizon
- hotel, -i, -e == a hotel
[edit | edit source]- identifikim, -i, -e == an identification
- ikonografik, -e == iconographic
- iluzion, -i, -e == an illusion
- imejl == email (also postë elektronike, email or e-mail)
- implementim, -i, -e == an implementation
- imponoj == to impose
- inauguroj, -ova, -uar == inaugurate
- individual, -e == individual (adj.)
- industri, -a, -a == an industry
- infarkt, -i, -e == an infarct
- infeksion, -i, -e == an infection
- informativ, -e == informative
- infrastrukturë, -a, -a == an infrastructure
- insistoj == to insist
- inspiroj == to inspire
- integrim, -i, -e == an integration
- intelekt, -i, -e == an intellect
- intelektual, -e == intellectual
- instrument, -i, -e == an instrument
- intensivisht == intensively
- intergritet == integrity
- interes, -i, -a == an interest
- internet, -i == the Internet
- interpretim, -i, -e == an interpretation
- interpretoj == to interpret
- implikoj == to imply
- Itali, -a == Italy
- italian, -e == Italian (adj.)
- italian, -i, -ë == Italian (nationality
- itinerar, -i, -e == an itinerary
[edit | edit source]- janar, -i == January
- ju == you
[edit | edit source]- kamp, -i, -e == a camp
- kancer, -i, -e == a cancer
- kandidat, -i, -ë == a candidate
- kapacitet, -i, -e == a capacity
- kapilar, -, -ë == a capillary
- kapital, -i, -e (?) == a capital
- kaos, -i, -e == a chaos
- karbohidrat, -i, -e == a carbohydrate
- karbon, -i, -e == carbon
- karrierë, -ë, -a == a career
- katalog, -u, -ë == a catalogue
- katastrofë, -a, -a == a catastrophe
- kategori, -a, - == a category
- kazino, -ja, -të == a casino
- kështjellë, -a, -a == a castle, fortress
- kilogram, -i, -ë == a kilogram
- kilometër, -ri, -ra == a kilometer
- kitarist, -i, -ë == a guitarist
- kivi == a kiwi (fruit)
- klasifikim, -i, -e == a classification
- klasifikoj, -ova, -uar == to classify
- kler, -i, -e == a clergy
- klinikë, -a, -a == a clinic
- klon, -i, -e == a clone
- klorofil, -i, -ë == a chlorophyll
- klub, -i, -e == a club
- koherent, -e == coherent
- kolateral, -i, -e == a collateral
- koleg, -u, -ë == a colleague
- koleksion, -i, -e == a collection
- koleksonoj == to collect
- koloni, -a, - == a colony
- koment, -i, -e == a comment
- komision, -i, -e == a commission
- kompromis, -i, -e == a compromise
- komunal, -e == communal
- kon, -i, -e == a cone
- koncesion, -i, -e == a concession
- konflikt, -i, -e == a conflict
- konkret, -e == concrete (adj.)
- konsensual, -e == consensual
- konsensus, -i, -e == a consensus
- konsideratë, -a, -a == a consideration
- konsistent, -e == consistent
- konspiroj == to conspire
- konstante, -ja - == a constant
- kopjoj == to copy
- kolesterol, -i == a cholesterol
- kombinim, -i, -e == a combination
- kompani, -a, - == a company
- kompjuter, -i, -a == a computer
- komplotoj == to complot
- kompresë, -a, -a == a compress
- komunitet, -i, -e == a community
- konferencë, -a, -a == a conference
- konfirmoj == to confirm
- konfuzion, -i, -e == a confusion
- konfirmim, -i, -e == a confirmation
- kongres, -i, -e == a congress
- konsideroj == to consider
- konsull, -lli, -j == a consul
- konsumohem == to be consumed
- konsumoj == to consume
- kontaktoj == to contact
- kontestoj, -ova, -uar == to contest
- kontrast, -i, -e == a contrast
- kontrolloj == to control, inspect, examine
- kontroll, -i, -e == a control, check
- koordinim, -i, -e == a coordination
- koordinoj, -ova, -uar == to coordinate
- kopje, -a, -e == a copy
- korrekt, -e == correct (adj.)
- korrespondoj == to correspond
- korrigjoj == to correct
- korrupsion, -i, -e == a corruption
- kosto, -ja, - == a cost
- krap, -i, krep == a carp
- kreativitet, -i, -e == a creativity
- kredi, -a, -a == a credit
- krijoj == to create
- krim, -i, -e == a crime
- kritikë, -a, -a == a critique
- kritikoj == to critisize
- kromozom, -i, -e == a chromosome
- kualifikoj == to qualify
- kulm, -i, -e == a culmination
- kult, -i, -e == a cult
- kultivim, -i, -e == a cultivation
- kultivoj == to cultivate
- kupë, -a, -a == a cup
- kurs, -i, -e == a course (studying or exchange rate)
- kushtoj == to cost
[edit | edit source]- letër, -ra, -ra == a letter, a card
- lider == a leader
- lidership, -i, -e == a leadership
- litër, -ri, -ra == a liter
- luxoz, -e == luxurious
[edit | edit source]- madhësti, -a == majesty, grandiosity
- mafie, -a, -a == a mafia
- magnet == a magnet
- marshoj == to march
- masiv, -e == massive
- maskoj == to mask, camouflage, disguise
- material, -i, -e == material
- medalje, -, - == a medal
- meditoj == to meditate
- membranë, -a, -a == a membrane
- menaxher, -i, -ë == a manager
- marksist, -e == marxist
- menaxhoj == to manage
- menstruacion, -i, -e == a menstruation
- mentalitet, -i, -e == a mentality
- meritoj == to merit
- mikro == micro
- militant, -e == militant
- mineral == mineral
- ministër, -ri, -ra = a minister
- Ministri, -a, - == a ministry
- mision, -i, -e == a mission
- mister, -i, -e == a mystery
- model, -i, -e == a model
- modern, -e == modern
- molekulë, -a, -a == a molecule
- moment, -i, -e == a moment
- monoksid, -i, -e == monoxide
- monopol, -i, -e == a monopoly
- monopolistik, -e == monopolistic
- monument, -i, -e == a monument
- moral, -e == moral (adj.)
- mozaik, -i, -ë == a mosaic
- multikulturor, -e == multicultural
- i multilateralizëm, e -me == multilateralism
- mural, -e == mural (adj.)
- muskul, -i, -jt == a muscle
- muzikë, -a == music
[edit | edit source]- nacionalist, -e == nationalist (adj.)
- nacionalizëm, -zmi, -zma == nationalism
- neglizhoj == to neglect
- nikotinë, -a, -a == a nicotine
- nostalgji, -a, -të == a nostalgy
- normalizim, -i, -e == normalization
- notar, -i, -ë == a notary
- numeroj == to number, numerate, count
[edit | edit source]- objekt, -i, -e == objects
- ofertë, -a, -a == an offer
- ofroj == to offer
- oksigjen, -i, -e == oxygen
- oksigjenoj == to oxygenate
- oligarki, -, -të (?) == an oligarchy
- operacion, -i, -e == an operation
- operë, -a, -a == an opera
- operoj, -ova, -uar == to operate
- opinion, -i, -e == an opinion (also mendim)
- opozitë, -a, -a == an opposition
- oral, -e == oral
- organ, -i, -e == an organ
- organizëm, -i, -a == an organism
- organizoj, -ova, -uar == to organize
- ortodoks, -e == Orthodox
- ovidukt, - (?), -e == an oviduct
- ovulacion, -i, -e == an ovulation
[edit | edit source]- pako, -ja, - == a pack, packet, parcel
- pankreas, -i, -e (?) == a pancreas
- paradë, -a, -a == a parade
- paradoks, -i, -e == a paradox
- paradoksal, -e == paradoxal
- parlament, -i, -e == a parliament
- park, -ku, -qe == a park
- parti, -a, -të == a party (political)
- pasagjer, -i, -e == a passenger
- pasion, -i, -e == a passion
- pasionant, -e == passionate
- pasiv, -e == passive
- patriotik, -e == patriotic
- pazar, -i, -e == a bazaar, a marketplace
- penal, -e == penal
- penis, -i, -e == a penis
- periferi, -a, -të == a periphery
- periudhë, -a, -a == a period
- person, -i, -a == a person
- pianiste, -ja, -e == a pianist
- ping-pong == ping-pong, table tennis
- piper, -i == pepper (table spice)
- piramidë, -ë, -a == a pyramid
- pjek == to bake
- placentë, -a, -a == a placenta
- plan, -i, -e == a plan
- planet, -i, -e == a planet
- planifikoj == to plan
- plazme, -a, -a == a plasma
- pluralizëm, -mi == a pluralism
- poet, -i, -ë == a poet
- polemikë, -a, -a == a polemic
- polifoni, -a, - == a polyphony
- populist, -e == populist
- popullsi, -a, popujt == a population
- popullor, -e == popular
- porcelan, -i == porcelain
- portret, -i, -e == a portret
- postë, -a, -a == mail, post office post
- potencial, -i, -e == a potential
- pozicionim, -i, -e == a positioning
- pragmatik, -e == pragmatic
- pragmatizëm, -mi, -ma == a pragmatism
- precedent, -i, -ë == a precendent
- preferoj, -ova, -uar == to prefer
- i,e preferuar == preferred
- pretendoj == to pretend
- prestigjoz -e == prestigious
- prill, -i == April
- prioritet, -, -e == a priority
- problem, -i, -e == a problem
- proces, -i, -e == a process
- prodhoj == to produce
- program, -i, -e == a program
- projekt, -i, -e == a project
- propagandë, -a, -a == a propaganda
- propozoj, -ova, -uar == to propose
- prostatë, -a, -e == a prostate
- proteine, -a, -a == a protein
- protestoj == to protest
- publik, -u == general public, audience
- publik, -e == public (adj.)
- puloverë, -a, -a == a pullover, a sweater
- puls, -i,- e == a pulse
[edit | edit source]- qendër, -a, -a == a center
[edit | edit source]- racional, -e == rational
- radio, -ja, - == a radio
- raketë, -a, -a == a rocket
- raport, -i, -e == a report
- raportoj, -ova, -uar == to report
- raund, -i, -e == a round
- reagoj == to react
- realizoj == to realize, to achieve
- recesion, -i, -e == a recession
- reciprokisht == reciprocally
- recital, -i, -e == a recital
- reduktoj, -ova, -uar == to reduce
- referendum, -i, -e == a referendum
- referohem == to refer
- reformë, -a, -a == a reform
- relativ, -e == relative (adj.)
- relativisht == relatively
- religjioz, -e == religious
- replikoj == to replicate
- restorant, -i, -e == a restaurant
- reumatizëm, -mi, -ma == rheumatism
- rezervë, -a, -a == a reserve
- rezervim, -i, -e == a reservation
- rezervoj, -ova, -uar == to reserve
- rezolutë, -a, -a == a resolution
- rezultat, -i, -e == a result
- rival, -i, -ë == a rival
- i,e rregullt == regular
- rural, -e == rural
[edit | edit source]- saktë == exactly
- i,e saktë == exact
- saktësi, -a, - == exactitude
- sandale, -ja, -e == sandals
- sanduiç, -i, -ë == a sandwich
- sanksion, -i, -e == a sanction
- sekret, -i, -e == a secret
- sekretar, -i, -ë == a secretary
- sekt, -i, -e == a sect
- sektor, -i, -ë == a sector
- sekuestroj, -ova, -uar == to sequestrate
- semestër, -ri, -ra == a semester
- seminar, -i, -e == a seminar
- sezon, -i, -e == a season
- sferë, -a, -a == a sphere
- shtet, -i, -e == a state, country
- simbiozë, -a, -a == a symbiosis
- simbolik, -e == symbolic, very cheap
- simpati, -a, - == a sympathy
- simptomë, -a, -a == a symptom
- sinjal, -i, -e == a signal
- i,e sinqertë == sincere
- situatë, -a, -a == a situation, condition
- skandal, -i, -e == a scandal
- skandaloz, -e == scandalous
- skaner, -i, -ë == a scanner
- skanoj == to scan
- skemë, -a, -a == a scheme
- skizm, -i, -a == a schism
- sklerozë, -a, -a == a sclerosis
- social, -e == social
- solemn, -e == solemn, gala
- specialist, -, -ë == a specialist
- specifikë, -a, -a == a specific feature
- spektakël, -li, -le == a spectacle
- spektator, -i, -ë == a spectator
- spinaq, -i == spinach
- spital, -i, -e == a hospital
- sporadik, -e == sporadic
- staf, -i, -e == a staff
- statik, -e == static
- status, -i, -e == a status
- statut, -i, -e == a statute
- stimulim, -i, -e == a stimulation
- stimuloj, -ova, -uar == to stimulate
- sugjerim, -i, -e == a suggestion
- sukses, -i, -e == success
- stomak, -u, -ë == a stomach
- stres, -i == stress
- strukturë, -a, -a == a structure
- studim, -i, -e == a study
- studioj == to study
[edit | edit source]- shkollë, -a, -a == a school
[edit | edit source]- taksi, -a, - == a taxi
- tank, -i, -e == a tank
- tekst, -i, -e == a text
- telefon, -i, -a == a telephone
- telefon celular == a cell phone
- tempull, -lli, -j == a temple
- tender, -i, -ë == a tender
- terapi == a therapy
- termometër, -ri, -ra == a thermometer
- terror, -i, -e == a terror
- total, -i, -e == a total
- total, -e == total (adj.)
- totalitar, -e == totalitarian
- torturë, -a, -a == torture
- trafikant, -i, -ë == a trafficker
- trafikim, -i, -e == a trafficking
- trajner, -i, -ë == a trainer
- trajtim, -i, -e == a treatment
- trajtoj == to treat
- transparent, -e == transparent
- transferim, -i, -e == a transfer
- transport, -i, -e == a transport
- trojan, -i, -ë == Trojan
- tub, -i, -a == a tube
- turist, -i, -ë == a tourist
- turistik, -e == touristic
[edit | edit source]- unik, -e == unique
- uretër, -ra, -ra == an urethra
- urgjencë, -a, -a == an urgency
- urgjent, -e == urgent
[edit | edit source]- vaginë, -a, -a == a vagina
- vaksinë, -a, -a == a vaccine
- valvul, -a, -a == a valve
- vanilje, -a == vanilla
- variant, -i, -e == a variant, variation
- varioj, -ova, -uar == to vary
- vëllim, -i, -e == volume
- venë, -, -a == a vein
- viktimë, -a, -a == a victim
- violinë, -a, -a == a violin
- vitaminë, -a, -a == a vitamin
- vizitoj == to visit
- volejboll, -i == volleyball
- votë, -a, -a == a vote
- votim, -i, -e == a voting
[edit | edit source]- xhaketë, -a, -a == a jacket
- xhinse == jeans, denim
[edit | edit source]- zero == zero
- zigot, -i, -a == a zygote
- zonë, -a, -a == zone, area, region