This module contains functions for accessing the serial ports (UARTs) of the eLua CPU.
UART ids can be
- 0, 1, etc for physical serial ports,
if virtual UART support is enabled in eLua, or- 176 for the USB CDC serial port.
[edit | edit source]uart.setup
[edit | edit source]Setup the serial port. Note that you can't call this function for a virtual UART.
baud = uart.setup( id, baud, databits, parity, stopbits )
- id - the ID of the serial port
- baud - serial baud rate
- databits - number of data bits
- parity - parity type, can be
- stopbits - the number of stop bits, can be
- baud - The actual baud rate set on the serial port. Depending on the hardware, this might have a different value than the baud parameter
[edit | edit source]Write one or more strings or 8-bit integers (raw data) to the serial port. If writing raw data, its value (represented by an integer) must be between 0 and 255.
uart.write( id, data1, [data2], ..., [datan] )
- id - the ID of the serial port.
- data1 - the first string/8-bit integer to write.
- data2 (optional) - the second string/8-bit integer to write.
- datan (optional) - the n-th string/8-bit integer to write.
[edit | edit source]Read a single character from the serial port
str = uart.getchar( id, [timeout], [timer_id] )
- id - the ID of the serial port
- timeout (optional) - timeout of the operation, can be either uart.NO_TIMEOUT or 0 for non-blocking operation, uart.INF_TIMEOUT for blocking operation, or a positive number that specifies the timeout in microseconds. The default value of this argument is uart.INF_TIMEOUT.
- timer_id (optional) - the ID of the timer used for measuring the timeout. If not specified it defaults to the system timer.
- str - The character read from the serial port as a string, or the empty string it timeout occurred while waiting for the character.
[edit | edit source]Reads one or more characters from the serial port according to a format specifier
str = id, format, [timeout], [timer_id] )
- id - the ID of the serial port
- format - format of data to read. This can be either:
- '*l' - read until an end of line character (a \n) is found (the \n is not returned) or a timeout occurs.
- '*n' - read an integer. The integer can optionally have a sign. Reading continues until the first non-digit character is detected or a timeout occurs. This is the only case in which read returns a number instead of an integer.
- '*s' - read until a spacing character (like a space or a TAB) is found (the spacing character is not returned) or a timeout occurs.
- a positive number - read at most this many characters before returning (reading can stop earlier if a timeout occurs).
- timeout (optional) - timeout of the operation, can be either uart.NO_TIMEOUT or 0 for non-blocking operation, uart.INF_TIMEOUT for blocking operation, or a positive number that specifies the timeout in microseconds. The default value of this argument is uart.INF_TIMEOUT.
- timer_id (optional) - the ID of the timer used for measuring the timeout. If not specified it defaults to the system timer.
- str - The data read from the serial port as a string (or as a number if format is '*n'). If a timeout occures, only the data read before the timeout is returned. If the function times out while trying to read the first character, the empty string is returned
[edit | edit source]Sets the size of the UART buffer. Note that calling this function with bufsize = 0 for a virtual UART is not allowed.
uart.set_buffer( id, bufsize )
- id - the ID of the serial port
- bufsize - the size of the buffer (must be a power of 2) or 0 to disable buffering on the specified UART.
[edit | edit source]Sets the flow control on the UART. Note that this function works only on physical ports, it will return an error if called on a virtual UART.
uart.set_flow_control( id, type )
- id - the ID of the serial port.
- type - the flow control type, it can be:
(no flow control),uart.FLOW_RTS
for RTS flow control,uart.FLOW_CTS
for CTS flow control oruart.FLOW_RTS + uart.FLOW_CTS
for full RTS/CTS flow control.