Analytic number theory is so abysmally complex that we need a basic toolkit of summation formulas first in order to prove some of the most basic theorems of the theory.
Note: We need the Riemann integrability to be able to apply the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Proof 1:
We prove the theorem by induction on
First, we have in this case
Then, we have

by the fundamental theorem of calculus.
2. Induction step:
. We have

by the induction hypothesis. Further,
Putting things together, we obtain

and thus the desired formula.
The method of proof we applied here was using induction and then trying to express the terms from the induction hypothesis in terms of the terms from the desired formula.
Proof 2:
We prove the theorem by direct manipulation of the term on the left.

Proof 3:
We prove the formula by the means of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Indeed, by integration by parts, we have
Corollary 1.2:
Proof 1:
We deduce the formula from integration by parts for the Riemann-Stieltjes integral.

Proof 2:
We directly manipulate the LHS (left hand side).

Two further proofs are given in exercises 1.1.1 and 1.1.5.
We note that induction and direct manipulation are quicker proofs for theorem 1.1, while corollary 1.2 is quicker proven from theorem 1.1 or Riemann-Stieltjes integration.
- Exercise 1.1.1: Prove corollary 1.2 from theorem 1.1. Hint:
- Exercise 1.1.2: Compute
. Hint: Use
, apply Abelian summation and split the resulting integral into pieces where
is constant. Then apply a similar process.
- Exercise 1.1.3: Prove that the limit
exists. This limit is called the Euler–Mascheroni constant. Hint: Use
- Exercise 1.1.4: Prove theorem 1.1 from corollary 1.2.
- Exercise 1.1.5: Prove corollary 1.2 using induction on
Definition 1.3:
, we define
Theorem 1.4 (Euler's summation formula):
be a differentiable function, such that
is Riemann integrable. Then
We prove the theorem from Corollary 1.2, setting
and using integration by parts (integration by parts is proven using the fundamental theorem of calculus).
where in the last line we used integration by parts on the integral
- Prove corollary 1.5.
Proof 1:
We prove the theorem by direct computation.

Proof 2:
We prove the theorem from Euler's summation formula.
The Chebychev ψ and ϑ functions
Proposition (the Chebychev ψ function may be written as the sum of Chebyshev ϑ functions):
We have the identity
Proposition (estimate of the distance between the Chebychev ψ and ϑ functions):
, we have
Note: The current proof gives an inferior error term. A subsequent version will redeem this issue. (Given the Riemann hypothesis, the error term can be made even smaller.)
Proof: We know that the formula

holds. Hence,
By a result obtained by Pierre Dusart (based upon the computational verification of the Riemann hypothesis for small moduli), we have

. If
is in that range, we hence conclude
By Euler's summation formula, we have
. Moreover,
. Now derivation shows that

is an anti-derivative of the function

. By the fundamental theorem of calculus, it follows that
![{\displaystyle \int _{a}^{b}\left(1-{\frac {2t}{\ln(x)}}\right)x^{1/t}dt=\left[-\exp \left({\frac {\ln(x)}{t}}\right){\frac {t^{2}}{\ln(x)}}\right]_{t=a}^{t=b}}](
for real numbers
such that
. This integral is not precisely the one we want to estimate. Hence, some analytical trickery will be necessary in order to obtain the estimate we want.
We start by noting that if only the bracketed term in the integral were absent, we would have the estimate we desire. In order to proceed, we replace
by the more general expression
), and obtain
The integrand is non-negative so long as
Moreover, if
is strictly within that range, we obtain
We now introduce a constant
and obtain the integrals
The first integral majorises the integral
whereas the second integral majorises the integral
We obtain that
Now we would like to set
. To do so, we must ensure that
is sufficiently large so that
is strictly within the admissible interval.
The two summands on the left are now estimated using our computation above, where
is replaced by
for the first computation: Indeed,
![{\displaystyle \int _{2}^{K}x^{1/t}y_{1}^{1/t}dt\leq \left(1-{\frac {2K}{\ln(xy_{1})}}\right)^{-1}\left[-\exp \left({\frac {\ln(xy_{1})}{t}}\right){\frac {t^{2}}{\ln(xy_{1})}}\right]_{t=2}^{t=K}}](
Putting the estimates together and setting
, we obtain
![{\displaystyle \int _{2}^{\log _{2}(x)}x^{1/t}dt\leq {\frac {1}{y_{1}^{1/K}}}\left(1-{\frac {2K}{\ln(xy_{1})}}\right)^{-1}\left[-\exp \left({\frac {\ln(xy_{1})}{t}}\right){\frac {t^{2}}{\ln(xy_{1})}}\right]_{t=2}^{t=K}+\left(1-{\frac {2t_{0}}{\ln(xy_{2})}}\right)^{-1}\left[-\exp \left({\frac {\ln(xy_{2})}{t}}\right){\frac {t^{2}}{\ln(xy_{2})}}\right]_{t=K}^{t=\log _{2}(x)}}](
We now choose the ansatz
for constants
. These equations are readily seen to imply
Note though that
is needed. The first condition yields
The equations for
may be inserted into the above constraints on
; this yields
, that is,
If all these conditions are true, the ansatz immediately yields
We now amend our ansatz by further postulating
This yields

From this we deduce that in order to obtain an asymptotically sharp error term, we need to set
. But doing so yields the desired result.
Arithmetic functions
In this chapter, we shall set up the basic theory of arithmetic functions. This theory will be seen in action in later chapters, but in particular in chapter 9.
Definition 2.1:
An arithmetical function is a function
Definition 2.2 (important arithmetical functions):
- The Kronecker delta:

- Euler's totient function:

- Möbius'
- The von Mangoldt function:

- The monomials:

- The number of distinct prime divisors:
- The sum of prime factors with multiplicity:
- The Liouville function:

- Exercise 2.1.1: Compute
- Exercise 2.1.2: Compute
. Hint:
- Exercise 2.1.3: Compute
up to three decimal places. Hint: Use a Taylor expansion.
- Exercise 2.1.4: Prove that for each
In the following theorem, we show that the arithmetical functions form an Abelian monoid, where the monoid operation is given by the convolution. Further, since the sum of two arithmetic functions is again an arithmetic function, the arithmetic functions form a commutative ring. In fact, as we shall also see, they form an integral domain.
is a bijection from the set of divisors of
to itself.
where the last equality follows from the identity function

being a bijection. But

and hence associativity.

Theorem 2.5:
The ring of arithmetic functions is an integral domain.
be arithmetic functions, and let
be minimal such that
. Then
We shall now determine the units of the ring of arithmetic functions.
Theorem 2.6:
be an arithmetic function. Then
is invertible (with respect to convolution) if and only if
Assume first
. Then for any arithmetic function
Assume now
. Then
, given by the recursive formula
is an inverse (and thus the inverse) of
, since
and for

- Exercise 2.2.1:
- Exercise 2.2.2:
Definition 2.7:
An arithmetical function
is called multiplicative iff it satisfies
, and
Theorem 2.8:
be multiplicative arithmetical functions. Then
is multiplicative.
. Then
since the function
is a bijection from the divisors of
to the Cartesian product of the divisors of
and the divisors of
; this is because multiplication is the inverse:
To rigorously prove this actually is an exercise in itself. But due to the multiplicativity of
is multiplicative, we conclude that the multiplicative functions form an Abelian submonoid of the arithmetic functions with convolution. Unfortunately, we do not have a subring since the sum of two multiplicative functions is never multiplicative (look at
Theorem 2.9:
be a multiplicative function such that
converges absolutely. Then
Proof: Let
be the ordered sequence of all prime numbers. For all
we have

due to the multiplicativity of
. For each
, we successively take
, ...,
and then
. It follows from the definitions and the rule
that the right hand side converges to
We claim that
Indeed, choose
such that
Then by the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, there exists an
such that
Then we have by the triangle inequality for
arbitrary that

From this easily follows the claim.
It is left to show that the product on the left is independent of the order of multiplication. But this is clear since if the sequence
is enumerated differently, the argument works in just the same way and the left hand side remains the same.
Definition 2.10:
An arithmetical function
is called strongly multiplicative iff it satisfies
, and
Equivalently, a strongly multiplicative function is a monoid homomorphism
Theorem 2.11:
be a strongly multiplicative function such that
converges absolutely. Then
Due to theorem 2.9, we have
Due to strong multiplicativity and the geometric series, the latter expression equals
- Exercise 2.3.1: Let
be an arithmetic function such that for all
, and let
. Prove that the function
is multiplicative.
Examples 2.13:
We shall here compute the Bell series for some important arithmetic functions.
We note that in general for a completely multiplicative function
, we have
In particular, in this case the Bell series defines a function.
1. The Kronecker delta:

2. Euler' totient function (we use lemma 9.?):

3. The Möbius

4. The von Mangoldt function:

5. The monomials:

6. The number of distinct prime divisors:

7. The number of prime divisors including multiplicity:

8. The Liouville function:

Theorem 2.14 (compatibility of Bell series and convolution):
arithmetic functions, and
be a prime. Then

In case of multiplicativity, we have the following theorem:
Theorem 2.15 (Uniqueness theorem):
be multiplicative functions. Then
is pretty obvious;
as formal power series is equivalent to saying
. If now
, then

due to the multiplicativity of
In chapter 9, we will use Bell series to obtain equations for number-theoretic functions.
Definition 2.16:
be an arithmetic function. Then the derivative of
is defined to be the function
1. is easily checked.

We have
. Hence, by 2.
Convolving with
and using
yields the desired formula.
Note that a chain rule wouldn't make much sense, since
arithmetic may map anywhere but to
and thus
doesn't make a lot of sense in general.
Characters and Dirichlet characters
Lemma 4.2:
be a finite group and let
be a character. Then
In particular,
is finite, each
has finite order
. Furthermore, let
such that
; then
and thus
. Hence, we are allowed to cancel and
Lemma 4.3:
be a finite group and let
be characters. Then the function
is also a character.
is a field and thus free of zero divisors.
Lemma 4.4:
be a finite group and let
be a character. Then the function
is also a character.
Proof: Trivial, since
as shown by the previous lemma.
The previous three lemmas (or only the first, together with a few lemmas from elementary group theory) justify the following definition.
Definition 4.5
be a finite group. Then the group

is called the character group of
We need the following result from group theory:
is the disjoint union of the cosets of
is the disjoint union
, as
. Hence, the cardinality of
Furthermore, if
, then
, and hence
is a subgroup.
Dirichlet series
For the remainder of this book, we shall use Riemann's convention of denoting complex numbers:

Definition 5.1:
be an arithmetic function. Then the Dirichlet series associated to
is the series
ranges over the complex numbers.
Denote by
the set of all real numbers
such that

diverges. Due to the assumption, this set is neither empty nor equal to
. Further, if
, then for all
and all
, since

and due to the comparison test. It follows that
has a supremum. Let
be that supremum. By definition, for
we have convergence, and if we had convergence for
we would have found a lower upper bound due to the above argument, contradicting the definition of
Theorem 5.3 (abscissa of conditional convergence):
Theorem 8.4 (Euler product):
be a strongly multiplicative function, and let
such that the corresponding Dirichlet series converges absolutely. Then for that series we have the formula
This follows directly from theorem 2.11 and the fact that
strongly multiplicative
strongly multiplicative.
Lemma 2.9:
a multiindex,
a vector define
. Then
Lemma 2.10:
Proof 1:
We prove the lemma from lemma 2.14.
We have by lemma 2.14
![{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\varphi (n)&=\sum _{k=1}^{n}\delta (\gcd(k,n))\\&=\sum _{k=1}^{n}\sum _{d|\gcd(k,n)}\mu (d)\\&=\sum _{d|n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}[d|k]\mu (d)\\&=\sum _{d|n}\sum _{j=1}^{n/d}\mu (d)\end{aligned}}}](

Proof 2:
We prove the lemma from the product formula for Euler's totient function and lemma 2.9. Indeed, for
Lemma 2.14:
Proof 1:
We use the Möbius inversion formula.
, and hence
Proof 2:
We use multiplicativity.
Indeed, for a prime
we have
and thus due to the multiplicativity of
contains at least one prime factor. Since further
the claim follows.
Proof 3:
We prove the lemma by direct computation. Indeed, if
, then
Proof 4:
We prove the lemma from the Binomial theorem and combinatorics.
. From combinatorics we note that for
, there exist
distinct ways to pick a subset
such that
. Define
. Then, by the Binomial theorem
Lemma 2.11 (Gauß 1801):
Proof 1:
We use the Möbius inversion formula, proven below without using this lemma, and lemma 2.10.
We have
and hence
by the Möbius inversion formula. On the other hand,

by lemma 2.10.
Hence, we obtain
, and by cancellation of
(the arithmetic functions form an integral domain) we get the lemma.
Proof 2:
We use the converse of the Möbius inversion formula, proven below without using this lemma, and lemma 2.10.
by lemma 2.10, we obtain from the converse of the Möbius inversion formula that
Proof 3:
We prove the lemma by double counting.
We first note that there are
many fractions of the form
We now prove that there are also
many fractions of this form. Indeed, each fraction
can be reduced to
, where
is a divisor of
, since it is obtained by dividing
. Furthermore, for each divisor
there exist precisely
many such fractions by definition of
Proof 4:
We prove the lemma by the means of set theory.
. Then
. Since
is the disjoint union of the sets
, we thus have
The next theorem comprises one of the most important examples for a multiplicative function.
Theorem 2.12 (Euler 1761):
Euler's totient function is multiplicative.
Proof 1:
We prove the theorem using double counting (due to Kronecker).
By definition of
, there are
sums of the form
where both summands are reduced. We claim that there is a bijection
From this would follow
We claim that such a bijection is given by
Well-definedness: Let
be reduced. Then

is also reduced, for if
, then without loss of generality
, and from
. In both cases we obtain a contradiction, either to
or to
is reduced.
Surjectivity: Let
be reduced. Using the Euclidean algorithm, we find
such that
. Then
. Define
. Then
Injectivity: Let
. We show
; the proof for
is the same.
Indeed, from
, and since
is invertible modulo
, which is why we may multiply this inverse on the right to obtain
. Since
, the claim follows.
Proof 2:
We prove the theorem from the Chinese remainder theorem.
. From the Chinese remainder theorem, we obtain a ring isomorphism
which induces a group isomorphism
, and from
follows the claim.
Proof 3: We prove the theorem from lemma 2.11 and induction (due to Hensel).
such that
. By lemma 2.11, we have
and hence
Furthermore, by lemma 2.11 and the bijection from the proof of theorem 2.8,
By induction on
we thus have
Proof 4: We prove the theorem from lemma 2.11 and the Möbius inversion formula.
Indeed, from lemma 2.10 and the Möbius inversion formula, we obtain
which is why
is multiplicative as the convolution of two multiplicative functions.
Proof 5: We prove the theorem from Euler's product formula.
Indeed, if
, then
and hence
Theorem 2.15 (Möbius inversion formula):
be an arithmetical function and define
By lemma 2.14 and associativity of convolution,
Proof 1:
We prove the theorem from lemma 2.10 and the fact that
is multiplicative.
Indeed, let
be a prime number and let
. Then
, since

by lemma 2.10. Therefore,
where the latter equation follows from
Proof 2:
We prove the identity by the means of probability theory.
. Choose
. For
define the event
. Then we have
On the other hand, for each
, we have
Thus, it follows that
are independent. But since events are independent if and only if their complements are, we obtain
Proof 3:
We prove the identity from the Möbius inversion formula and lemmas 2.9 and 2.10.
But by the Möbius inversion formula and since by lemma 2.10
Proof 4:
We prove the identity from the inclusion–exclusion principle.
Indeed, by one of de Morgan's rules and the inclusion–exclusion principle we have for sets
where we use the convention that the empty intersection equals the universal set
Let now
, and define
. Since
we then have
But for each
, we have
It follows
and since
the theorem is proven.
Theorem 8.? (The Selberg identity):
Partial fraction decomposition
We proceed by induction on
. For
, the statement is true since by division with remainder, we may write

to obtain
and we have reduced the degree of the denominator by one (the latter summand already satisfies the required condition). By repetition of this process, we eventually obtain a denominator of one and thus a polynomial.
Let now the hypothesis be true for
, and assume that
. Write
. By irreducibility,
. Hence, we find polynomials
such that
. Then
Each of the summands of the last term can by the induction hypothesis be written in the desired form.
No matter how complicated our fraction of polynomials
may be, we can give the partial fraction decomposition in finite time, using easy techniques. The method, which for the sake of simplicity differs from the one given in the above constructive existence proof, goes as follows:
- Split the polynomial
into irreducible factors.
- Using division with remainder of
, reduce to the case
(the resulting polynomial
is allowed in the formula of theorem 2.1).
- Solve the equation given in theorem 2.1 for the
(this is equivalent to solving a system of linear equations; namely multiply by
and then equate coefficients).
Theorem 2.2:
The algorithm given above always terminates and gives the partial fraction decomposition of
Proof: Due to theorem 2.1, in step three we do obtain a system of linear equations which is solvable. Hence follow termination and correctness.
Lemma 5.1 (Convergence of real products):
be such that

converges absolutely. Then if

Without loss of generality, we assume
for all
Then we have
We now apply the Taylor formula of first degree with Lagrange remainder to
to obtain for
Hence, we have for
and thus we obtain the (even absolute) convergence of the
; thus, by the continuity of the exponential, also the
We define
. We note that
Without loss of generality we may assume that all the products are nonzero; else we have immediate convergence (to zero).
We now prove that
is a Cauchy sequence. Indeed, we have

and furthermore

and therefore
, it is a Cauchy sequence, and thus, by the above inequality, so is
. The last claim of the theorem follows by taking
in the above inequality.
Proof 1:
We prove the theorem using lemma 5.1 and the comparison test.
Indeed, by lemma 5.1 the product

converges. Hence by theorem 5.2, we obtain convergence and the desired inequality.
Proof 2 (without the inequality):
We prove the theorem except the inequality at the end from lemma 5.1 and by using the Taylor formula on
We define
. Then since every complex number satisfies
, we need to prove the convergence of the sequences
For the first sequence, we note that the convergence of
is equivalent to the convergence of
. Now for each

First, we note that
is well-defined for each
due to theorem 5.2. In order to prove that the product is holomorphic, we use the fact from complex analysis that if a sequence of functions converging locally uniformly to another function has infinitely many holomorphic members, then the limit is holomorphic as well. Indeed, we note by the inequality in theorem 5.3, that we are given uniform convergence. Hence, the theorem follows.
The following lemma is of great importance, since we can deduce three important theorems from it:
- The existence of holomorphic functions with prescribed zeroes
- The Weierstraß factorisation theorem (a way to write any holomorphic function made up from linear factors and the exponential)
- The Mittag-Leffler theorem (named after Gösta Mittag-Leffler (one guy))
Lemma 5.5:
be a sequence of complex numbers such that

Then the function

has exactly the zeroes
in the correct multiplicity.
Define for each
Our plan is to prove that
converges uniformly in every subcircle of the circle of radius
for every
Since the function
is holomorphic in a unit ball around zero, it is equal to its Taylor series there, i.e.
Hence, for
Let now
be given and
be arbitrary. Then we have for
Now summing over
, we obtain

for all
. Hence, we have uniform convergence in that circle; thus the sum of the logarithms is holomorphic, and so is the original product if we plug everything into the exponential function (note that we do have
even if
is an arbitrary complex number).
Note that our method of proof was similar to how we proved lemma 5.1. In spite of this, it is not possible to prove the above lemma directly from theorem 5.4 since the corresponding series does not converge if the
are chosen increasing too slowly.
We order
increasingly according to the modulus
and the standard greater or equal order on the real numbers. We go on to observe that then
, since if it were to remain bounded, there would be an accumulation point according to the Heine–Borel theorem. Also, the sequence is zero only finitely many often (otherwise zero would be an accumulation point). After eliminating the zeroes from the sequence
we call the remaining sequence
. Let
the number of zeroes in
. Then due to lemma 5.5, the function

has the required properties.
First, we note that
does not have an accumulation point, since otherwise
would be the constant zero function by the identity theorem from complex analysis. From theorem 5.6, we obtain that the function
has exactly the zeroes
with the right multiplicity, where the sequence
are the nonzero elements of the sequence
ordered ascendingly with respect to their absolute value and
is the number of zeroes within the sequence
. We have that
has no zeroes and is bounded and hence holomorphic due to Riemann's theorem on resolvable singularities. For, if
were unbounded, it would have a singularity at a zero
. This singularity can not be essential since dividing
by finitely many linear factors would eliminate that singularity. Hence we have a pole, and this would be resolvable by multiplying linear factors to
. But then
has a zero of the order of that pole, which is not possible since we may eliminate all the zeroes of
by writing
holomorphic and nonzero at
, where
is the order of the zero of
has a holomorphic logarithm on
, which we shall denote by
. This satisfies
From theorem 5.7 we obtain a function
with zeroes
in the right multiplicity. Set
In this subsection, we strive to factor certain holomorphic functions in a way that makes them even easier to deal with than the Weierstraß factorisation. This is the Hadamard factorisation. It only works for functions satisfying a certain growth estimate, but in fact, many important functions occurring in analytic number theory do satisfy this estimate, and thus that factorisation will give us ways to prove certain theorems about those functions.
In order to prove that we may carry out a Hadamard factorisation, we need some estimates for holomorphic functions as well as some preparatory lemmata.
and define the function
where the latter limit exists by developing
into a power series at
and observing that the constant coefficient vanishes. By Riemann's theorem on removable singularities,
is holomorphic. We now have
and if further
, then
and hence we may multiply that number without change to anything to obtain for
Now writing
, we obtain on the one hand

and on the other hand
which is why both
have the same distance to
, since
lies on the real axis.
Hence, due to the maximum principle, we have
First, we consider the case
. We may write
in its power series form
. If we write
, we obtain by Euler's formula

and thus
Since the latter sum is majorised by the sum
it converges absolutely and uniformly in
. Hence, by exchanging the order of integration and summation, we obtain

due to
![{\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\cos(j\varphi +\varphi _{j})d\varphi =\left[{\frac {1}{j}}\sin \left(j\varphi +\varphi _{j}\right)\right]_{\varphi =0}^{\varphi =2\pi }=0}](
and further for all

due to
as can be seen using integration by parts twice and
. By monotonicity of the integral, we now have
This proves the theorem in the case
. For the general case, we define
, hence by the case we already proved
Definition 5.12 (exponent of convergence):
be a sequence of complex numbers not containing zero such that

converges for a
. Then

is called the exponent of convergence of the sequence
Lemma 5.14: