Anatomy and Physiology of Animals/Glossary/Q,R,S
A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q,R,S | T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z | Print version
Word | Meaning |
R | |
Radius | The shorter bone of the forelimb between the humerus and the “wrist” |
Receptor | A specialized cell that responds to specific sensory stimuli such as touch,pressure, light etc. |
Red marrow | Bone marrow found in the spaces of spongy bone.Makes red blood cells |
Reflex | A fast automatic response to a stimulus |
Reflex arc | Consists of receptor, sensory, relay and motor neurons and effector |
Refraction | Bending of light as it passes from one medium to another |
Relaxin | The hormone secreted by the placenta and ovaries that eases the joint between the right and left pelvis
and dilates the cervix for birth |
Renal | To do with the kidney |
Renal pelvis | The cavity in the centre of the kidney |
Renal pyramid | A cone shaped structure in kidney medulla |
Renal system | The body system involving the kidneys |
Reticulum | The part of the modified stomach of ruminants with honeycomb of raised folds on its inner surface |
Retina | The inner coat of the eyeball. Nerve calls here (rods and cones) respond to light ray |
Ribosome | The organelle in the cell that makes proteins |
Rickets | A bone disorder caused by inadequate vitamin D |
Rod | The photoreceptor in the retina, specialized for vision in dim light |
Rostral | Towards the muzzle |
Rumen | The first and largest compartment of the modified stomach of ruminants.It houses the microorganisms |
Ruminant | An animal with a rumen e.g. sheep, cow, camel |
Rumination | Chewing the “cud” |
S | |
Sacrum | The triangular bone formed from fused sacral vertebrae.Located between the two hipbones |
Sagittal plane | Plane that divides the body into left and right portions |
Sagittal section | Lengthwise slice of an animal or organ |
Saliva | The secretion from the salivary glands |
Salivary amylase | The starch digesting enzyme in saliva |
Saturated fat | A fat containing saturated fatty acids |
Scapula | The shoulder blade |
Sciatic nerve | The large nerve that passes down the hind leg |
Sclera | The fibrous outer coat of eyeball |
Seasonal breeding | Breeding confined to certain seasons of the year |
Sebaceous gland | An exocrine gland in the dermis of the skin associated with a hair follicle |
Sebum | The waxy secretion from a sebaceous gland |
Secondary sex characteristic | A characteristic that develops at sexual maturity. e.g. large body size of males, manes in lions |
Secretion | The production or release of a fluid from a gland |
Semen | The fluid discharged at ejaculation of male. Consists of sperm and fluid |
Semicircular canals | The membranous fluid filled canals containing receptors for equilibrium |
Semilunar valve | The valve guarding the entrance to the aorta or the pulmonary artery |
Seminal vesicle | A gland that secretes a component of semen |
Seminiferous tubule | The tightly coiled duct in the testis where sperm are produced |
Semi-permeable membrane | A membrane that allows some substances to cross more easily than others |
Sensory neuron | A neuron that carries a nerve impulse towards the central nervous system |
Serum | Plasma minus its clotting proteins |
Sesamoid bones | Small bones usually found in tendons |
Shock | Reduced cardiac output resulting in failure to deliver adequate oxygen and nutrients to the body |
Shoulder | The synovial joint where the humerus joins the scapula |
Sinus | An air cavity in a bone especially in the bones of the face or skull |
Skeletal muscle | Tissue specialized for contraction with striated fibres. Attached to the bones of the skeleton |
Skull | The skeleton of the head |
Small intestine | The long tube of the gut that begins at the stomach and ends at the large intestine |
Smooth muscle | Tissue specialized for contraction with spindle shaped non striated fibres |
Soft palate | The posterior portion of the roof of the mouth |
Solution | One or more substances dissolved in a liquid |
Specific gravity | A measure of the density of a liquid or solid, as compared with that of water. |
Sperm duct | The tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. Also called the vas deferens |
Spermatic cord | The structure in the male reproductive system attached to the testis that carries the vas deferens, arteries, veins, etc. |
Spermatozoon | A mature sperm cell |
Sphincter | A ring-like muscle that controls movement along a body passage or orifice |
Spinal cord | The mass of nerve tissue in the vertebral column |
Spinal nerve | One of the nerves that originate in the spinal cord |
Spleen | The large lymphatic organ near the stomach that stores blood and produces lymphocytes |
Spongy bone | The inner layer of bone; found at the ends of long bones less dense than compact bone |
Squamous | Scale like |
Starch | The storage polysaccharide in plants consisting of many glucose molecules |
Sterile | Free from any living micro organisms |
Sternum | The breastbone |
Stifle | The joint between the femur and the tibia on the hind leg |
Stimulus | Any change in the environment capable of initiating a nerve impulse |
Stomach | The large baglike part of the gut between the oesophagus and the small intestine |
Striated muscle | Striped or skeletal muscle |
Subcutaneous | Beneath the skin |
Submandibular gland | The salivary gland beneath the tongue |
Substrate | A substance on which an enzyme acts |
Sulcus | A groove or depression between the convolutions of the brain |
Superficial | Nearer to the surface of |
Suture | An immoveable joint in the skull |
Sympathetic division | One of the two subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system concerned with reacting to emergency situations |
Synapse | The junction between two neurons |
Synovial joint | A fully moveable joint |
System | An association of organs that have a common function, e.g. digestive system, respiratory system |
Systemic circulation | The blood circulation from the left ventricl through the aorta to all the organs of the body and back to the heart |
Systole | The phase of the heartbeat involving contraction of the ventricles |
Systolic blood pressure | The blood pressure during passage of the pulse |
Synapse | The junction between two neurons |
Synovial joint | A fully moveable joint |