Annotated Republic of China Laws/National Park Law/Article 6

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National Park Law
Republic of China (Taiwan) Law
Article 6

Promulgated amendment on 1972-06-13

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Article 6[1][2]
The criteria for the selection of national parks shall be as follows:
  1. Areas representing the natural heritage of the nation, including unique natural scenery, landscapes, landform, fossils, living fossils, and fauna and flora in naturally evolving communities;
  2. Areas of educational significance for the perception of nature and important prehistoric and historic sites and their surroundings which require long-term preservation by the nation;
  3. Areas possessing outdoor recreation resources and unique scenery, which are easily accessible for public use.

Promulgated amendment on 2010-12-08

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Article 6[3]
The criteria for the selection of national parks shall be as follows:
  1. 1.Areas having unique landscapes, significant ecological systems, or habitats with 2.biodiversity that are representative of the natural heritage of the nation;
  2. 3.Areas with important cultural heritage and historical monuments as well as natural and cultural environments of significant cultural and educational elements to serve as venues for cultivation of national identity and long-term preservation efforts by the government is required;
  3. Areas with natural recreational resources and unusual features to serve as tourist destinations and leisure activity venues for the public.
Areas that comply with the criteria prescribed in the preceding subparagraph but are smaller in resources or surface area may still be selected by the competent authority to be national parks.
In line with the established measures of protection, utilization and control as well as the nature of conservation and types of recreation in concern, the competent authority shall act in accordance with the criteria of the first two preceding subparagraphs and classify the areas selected to be national parks or national nature parks to facilitate administration.

Annotated by Wikibooks

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  1. "National Park Law". Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China. Ministry of Justice (Taiwan). 1972-06-13. Retrieved 2018-01-10.
  2. Presidential Decree (No. 878) (1972-06-13). "National Park Law". Administrative Regulation. Yushan National Park. Retrieved 2016-11-23.
  3. "National Park Law: Article 6". Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China. Ministry of Justice (Taiwan). 2010-12-08. Retrieved 2016-11-23.