Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses/Oxen of the Sun/391

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Sturzgeburt     (German) sudden birth, a term used in legal medicine to describe a precipitate deliveryin which the foetus falls out of the birth canal. Use of the term arises in cases where the foetus has been injured or killed during birth, either as a result of Sturzgeburt or through ill-treatment following delivery. The term is also used to describe any birth that occurs almost immediately after the onset of labour, with few contractions.

primafacie     (Latin) prima facie is a Latin expression meaning at first sight, on the face of it. In English it may be used as an adjective meaning obvious, not requiring proof. Hans Walter Gabler amended Joyce's primafacie to prima facie.[1]


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  1. Joyce, James (1986). Hans Walter Gabler (ed.). Ulysses: The Corrected Text. With Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchior. London: The Bodley Head. p. 336.
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