Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses/Scylla and Charybdis/204

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Dumas fils (or is it Dumas père)     (French) Dumas Junior (or is it Dumas Senior).[1] The reference is to the French writers Alexandre Dumas, fils and his father Alexandre Dumas, père. Joyce requested that fils and père be set in italics in the errata list he compiled for the fourth impression of Ulysses. This errata list was printed and bound with this impression as pages 733-736.[2]

Hamlet père and Hamlet fils     (French) Hamlet Senior and Hamlet Junior.[3] The former is the ghost in Shakespeare's play, the latter is the eponymous hero. Stephen has taken up John Eglinton's allusion to the two Dumas.


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  1. Gifford (1988) 249.
    Thornton (1968) 212-213.
  2. James Joyce, Ulysses, Shakespeare & Company, Paris (1924).
  3. Gifford (1988) 250.
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