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AvernumScript/Appendix/Location and Distance Calls

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Note that none of these functions are meant to be used in outdoors mode. They will not return proper values. Also, if you are writing a creature or terrain script, be sure to look up the calls my_loc_x() and my_loc_y().

short char_loc_x(short which_char)

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Returns the x coordinate of the character which_char.

short char_loc_y(short which_char)

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Returns the y coordinate of the character which_char.

short char_dist_to_loc(short which_char,short x, short y)

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Returns the distance of character which_char from location {x,y}.

UNCONFIRMED: Using ME here, or -1, from a creature script doesn't seem to work right. It gives a distance number, but does not give the distance from the creature whose script was running. I had to use the creature's number. You can do this through using the constant my_number.

short char_on_loc(short x,short y)

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Returns the number of the character on space {x,y}. If there is no character there, returns -1. Unlike char_on_spot(), this call also checks if one of the player’s characters is there.

short dist_to_waypoint(short which_char,short which_point)

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Returns the distance of character which_char from waypoint which_point.

short group_dist_to_loc(short which_group,short x, short y)

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Returns the distance of closest character in group which_group to the location {x,y}. Remember that group 0 is the party (in case you want to see who in the party is closest to a point). If the group is empty, the distance returned is 10000.

short my_dist_from_start()

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This call can only be made from a creature script. Returns the character’s distance, in spaces, from where it started.