Egypt and Egyptians II

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Romantic couple (exhibition work)

Egypt and the Egyptians (II) is the second solo exhibition of the traveler and photographer Viktor Pinchuk, which opened on February 13, 2006 in the Simferopol Art Museum and lasted one month.

General information

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A selection of 48 works, presented at the vernissage, was made up of two parts: 21 copies — from the debut exhibition of author, held in the Crimean House of Artists and 27 new, previously not exhibited. Most of the presented works were combine elements of two creative directions — genre and reportage photography.

The collection included photographic material shot on a tourist trip where the main route was through Cairo and Hurghada.

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  • "The act of accepting photo works by the museum (document)". (in Russian). Retrieved April 23, 2023.