Below is the table of numbers as written in the Bengali script.
Bengali | ০ | ১ | ২ | ৩ | ৪ | ৫ | ৬ | ৭ | ৮ | ৯ |
Indo–Arabic | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Since the Bengali numerals are a base 10 system, they can translate directly to the Indo–Arabic numerals. For example, 123 is written as ১২৩.
[edit | edit source]Exercise 1:Write the following in Cardinal Numbers.
- ৭০২
- ৮৯২
- ১৩০
- ২৮১
- ৮০৭
Exercise 2: Write the following in Bengali Numbers.
- 576
- 175
- 946
- 749
- 131
[edit | edit source]Exercise 1:Write the following in Cardinal Numbers.
- 702
- 892
- 130
- 281
- 807
Exercise 2: Write the following in Bengali Numbers.
- ৫৭৬
- ১৭৫
- ৯৪৬
- ৭৪৯
- ১৩১