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Biblical Studies/Christianity/Famous works of fiction

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  • Dante’s Inferno, a book where a man travels through hell and described his experience.
C(live) S(taples) Lewis (1898-1963) − British author, literary scholar, and Christian apologist. He wrote more than 40 books, the best-known being, The Screwtape Letters (1942). This satire is a masterpiece of diabolical wit and moral wisdom involving a correspondence between two devils, Screwtape, one of the upper echelon in Satan's "Lowerachy," and his nephew, "Dear Wormwood," a junior devil with an earthly mission, wherein the human "patient" is under close scrutiny. The Allegory of Love (1936), his major critical work, is a study of love in medieval literature. Mere Christianity, an expanded series of 1943 BBC radio chats, is most admired and influential across a wide spectrum of Christians, which may attest to the author's success in accomplishing the aim of restating theology in a way that avoids many controversies. He also wrote a well-known science-fiction trilogy and the Narnia fantasies for children.
         C.S. Lewis Foundation http://www.cslewis.org/
         Into the Wardrobe http://cslewis.drzeus.net/news/ excellent home page quote for the day.

Lewis' greatest books may be

  1. A little volume called The Great Divorce—a fantasy re Heaven and Hell
  2. Till We Have Faces, his last (and probably best) book, and adaptation of the Greek myth, Cupid and Psyche. Here Lewis shows just how far he has grown in spiritual wisdom.