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Brahmin Tamil/Grammar2

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Pronouns and their oblique forms:

In the table below the personal pronouns and their oblique forms are given:

Personal Pronouns and Oblique Forms
Thanju Paalu English
naan (en, ena) naan (en, ena) I
nie (on, ona) nie (on, ona) you (sg)
nier (om, oma) nier (om, oma) you (sg, hon)
avan (avan) avan (avan) he
ava(hl) (avahl) avahl (avahl) she
avar (avar) avar (avar) he / (she) (hon)
adhu (adhu) adhu (adhu) it
naama, namma(hl) (nammahl) nammahl (nammahl) we (incl)
naanga(hl) (engalh) naangahl (engahl) we (excl)
nienga(hl) (ongahl) niengahl (ongahl) you (pl / sg(hon))
avaa(hl) (avaahl) avaa(hl) (avaahl) they (m / f pl, sg(hon))
adhuha(hl) (adhuhahl) adhuhahl (adhuhahl) they (n pl)

The oblique forms given above are followed by postpositions. Pronouns have attributive forms that are placed before nouns as possessive adjectives. The table below gives the attributive forms of pronouns, that is the possessive adjectives.

Possessive Adjectives:

Possessive Adjectives
Thanju Paalu English
en en my
on on your (sg)
om om your (sg hon)
avan avan his
avahl avahl her
avar avar his (/ her) (hon)
adhu adhu, adhu n its
namma namma our (incl)
enga enga our (excl)
onga onga your (pl)
avaa avaa their (m / f)
adhuha adhuha their (n pl)

Verb Forms:

The most important forms of verbs in Braahmik are : the imperative form, the infinitive form, the present tense base, the past tense base, the past participle form, the future tense base and the personal endings for the past /present and future tenses.

In the following tables, these forms are grouped as follows :
1) Imperative – Infinitive – Past Participle
2) (Personal Endings for:) Past / Present – (and) Future
3) Imperative – Present Base – Past Base – Future Base

Imperative—Infinitive—Past Participle:


(Both Thanju and Paalu)
Imperative Infinitive Past Paticiple
padi 'read, study' padika padichu
iru 'be' iruka irundhu
peeszu 'speak, talk; peesza peeszi
chaapdu, szaapdu 'eat, have food' chaapda, szaapda chaaptu, szaaptu
oodu 'run' ooda oodi
nada 'walk' nadaka nadandhu
po, poo 'go' pooha pooy
nillu 'stand, stop' nika ninnu
edu 'take, remove' eduka eduthu
vizhu 'fall' vizha vizhundhu
chiri, sziri 'laugh' chirika, szirika chirichu, szirichu
chollu, szollu 'say, tell' cholla, szolla cholli, szolli
keehlu 'ask, hear, listen' keeka keetu
vei 'put, keep' veika vechu
vei 'scold' veia vesszu (mainly Thanju)
thitu 'scold' thita thiti
kaahnu 'meet, be seen' kaahna kahndu

Personal Endings of Past / Present and Future

Personal Endings (Past / Present
and Future)
Pronoun Past / Presnet Future
naan en en
nie e, aay e, aay
nier ier ier
avan aan an. aan
ava(hl) aa(hl) a(hl)
adhu adhu / dhu* um*
naama, namma(hl) om om
naanga(hl) om om
nienga(hl) ehl ehl
avaa(hl) aa(hl) aa(hl)
adhuha(hl) adhu(hahl) / *dhu(hagl) *um


(*) The future tense 3 rd p. n. ending -um is generally attached to the infinitive form after removing the ending -a.

The present tense and past tense endings also differ (-adhu / -dhu) in the 3 rd p. n. forms..

In the verbs in which the past tense base ends in -in, the 3 rd p. n. ending is -thu (as in oodithu 'it ran') in the past tense.

The forms poochu 'it went' and aachu 'it was over' are prominent exceptions..

Imperative – Present Base – Past Base – Future Base:

'Imperative—Present Base—Past
Base—Future Base
Imperative Present Base Past Base Future Base
padi padikar padichu padipu
iru iruku irundhu irupu
peeszu peeszar peeszin peeszuv
chaapdu, szaapdu chaapdar, szaapdar chaaptu, szaaptu chaapduv, szaapduv
oodu, oodar oodin ooduv
nada nadakar nadandhu nadapu
po, poo poohar, poor poon poov
nillu nikar ninnu nipu
edu edukar eduthu edupu
vizhu vizhar vizhundhu vizhuv
chiri, sziri chirikarm szirikar chirichu, szirichu chiripu, sziripu
chollum szollu chollar, szollar chonn, szonn cholluv, szolluv
keehlu keekar keetu keepu
vei vekar vechu vepu
vei veiar veszzu veiv
thitu thitar thitin thituv
kaahnu kaahnar kanhd / kand kaanhuv