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Brazilian Portuguese/Chapter 3

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[[Brazilian Portuguese
Português Brasileiro]]
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Chapter 3

A Train at the Anhumas Station (Estação de Anhumas) in Campinas, São Paulo)
Chapter 3 - Objetos Comuns
This Lesson's Vocabulary

Everyday Objects


This Lesson's Grammar

Asking Number-Related Questions

The Verb Ter

Plurals of Nouns


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Counting in Portuguese

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Picture A.

1 - um (fem. uma)

2 - dois (fem. duas)

3 - três

4 - quatro

5 - cinco

6 - seis

7 - sete

8 - oito

9 - nove

10 - dez

11 - onze

12 - doze

13 - treze

14 - quatorze

15 - quinze

16 - dezesseis

17 - dezessete

18 - dezoito

19 - dezenove

20 - vinte

21 - vinte e um

22 - vinte e dois


Picture B.

30 - trinta

40 - quarenta

50 - cinquenta

60 - sessenta

70 - setenta

80 - oitenta

90 - noventa


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A. Answer in Portuguese

  1. Quantas janelas tem a casa? (Picture A)
  2. Spell out and say the numbers on the license plate.

B. Translate into Portuguese.

  1. Your car has two windows.
  2. My car has four windows


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Plurals of Nouns

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Almost every portuguese word ends with s.

To know how to make the plural:

  • The suffix -s is added normally.
  • -es is added when the word ends with r or z; in some words ending with ão, the o is removed to add -es (Pão → Pães).
  • -is is added in some words ending with al, el, ol or ul (Pastel → Pastéis (the accute is added for the pronunciation))
  • -ns is added in words ending with m (Atum → Atuns)
  • -ões is added in some words ending with ão. (ão is removed and then -ões is added) (Limão → Limões)
  • In some words, the stem vowel /o/ in the singular changes to /ɔ/ in the plural, though this is not reflected in the orthography. (Tijolo /t͡ʃiˈʒolu/ → Tijolos /t͡ʃiˈʒɔlus/)

Regular Plurals

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Casa → Casas

Irregular Plurals

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Qualquer (any) becomes quaisquer. Most words that end with 'x' don't change: Tórax (thorax. chest), inox (Stainless steel)

The Verb Ter

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Brazilian Portuguese Verb • Chapter 3
Ter To Have

Eu tenho Nós temos
Você tem Vocês têm
Ele/Ela tem Eles/Elas têm


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Answers to Exercises

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  1. Oito janelas


  1. Seu carro tem duas janelas
  2. Meu carro tem quatro janelas

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[[Brazilian Portuguese
Português Brasileiro]]
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Chapter 3