Breton/Level 2/Lesson 7
Mutations[edit | edit source]This lesson gives a full and rather complex view of mutations as exceptions are described together with the regular cases. For a more straightforward explanation please refer to the lesson in Level 1, Lesson 4 Definition[edit | edit source]A mutation is the change of the first letter of a word according to different contexts. Exemples : Mamm (mother) --> Ar vamm (the mother) Kozh (old) --> Mamm gozh (Grand mother) Table of mutations[edit | edit source]Mutations in Breton obey to regular phonetics laws. They are summarized in the table below (details to be found in the rest of this page) : |
Mutations to soften ("dre vlotaat")[edit | edit source]
Soft Mutation will be noted (S!) Following letters are affected:
Examples :
Mutations after the article[edit | edit source]Here is a summary for mutations after the article :
Here is a presentation of the rules regarding the mutations after the aticle :
Go to the Quiz Mutations of the adjective epithet[edit | edit source]Here is a summary for mutations of the adjective epithet :
Here is a presentation of the rules regarding the mutations of the adjective epithet :
Go to the Quiz |
Mutations to harden ("dre galetaat")[edit | edit source]
Hard mutation happens in the following cases :
Hard Mutation will be noted (H!) Following letters are affected: Examples :
Mixed mutations[edit | edit source]
Mixed mutation happens in the following cases :
Mixed Mutation will be noted (M!) Following letters are affected:
Spirant mutations[edit | edit source]
Spirant mutation happens in the following cases :
Spirant Mutation will be noted (Sp!) Following letters are affected: Examples :
Exceptions[edit | edit source]Bloaz[edit | edit source]Bloaz mutes into Vloaz after :
Exemple :
Mintin[edit | edit source]Mintin mutes into Vintin after :
Exemple : Dilun vintin, warc'hoazh vintin.
Exercises[edit | edit source]Go to the Quiz |