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CLIL/Volcanoes useful links

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In questa pagina si propongono attività CLIL inerenti le Scienze della Terra, o link a siti e materiali utili per svolgere attività in lingua.

CLIL activities on volcanoes

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Learning goals

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After this activity a student should be able to explain the follow phenomena

  • Describe the structure of a generic volcano
  • Describe the types of volcanoes
  • Describe how volcano forms
  • Describe where volcanoes occur and why
  • Describe the main active volcanoes in the world
  • Describe the main active italian volcanoes

Learning materials

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Videos on YouTube (didattici)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgktM2luLo la prima parte è un po' d'effetto, la seconda è più didattica

StudyJams - Volcanoes simpatico cartone ma chiaro e semplice (ha bisogno del plugin flash attivato)

Khan Academy - Hawaiian-islands-formation formazione delle Hawai su Khan Academy (non c'è altro...)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAR3P3Fshok altro semplice cartoon con audio ben fatto

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRH1PAJGlvo da Mexus Education con logo davanti ...(sennò bisogna pagare...)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJgwNqzumL8 breve ma con buon audio (e video low resol)

Videos on YouTube (documentari)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp0Xd1qvgGM documentario 44' LR ba discreto audio

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlH7pCK4H-s&feature=youtu.be documentario BBC sulle eruzioni islandesi

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksSFfm19cvY documentario BBC sui vulcani attivi

Wikipedia useful pages

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano the page about volcanoes on Wikipedia

https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano the simple-english page on wikipdia <--- very useful to start!!!

Wikibooks about volcanoes

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Volcanoes on Wikibook fo High School <-- very useful to work with (with exercises)

Tectonic plates (on Historical Geology)

Italian volcanoes

Volcanoes in the world


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Simple and good physical geografy glossary of terms



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Useful software

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Anki opensource software ti memorize terms and definitions. It's a flash card software. Here you can find a set of cards (deck) about volcanoes that help you to memorize the main english related words.

Other useful

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http://ita.calameo.com/read/0011501068cc1a12471f3 è protetto ma si può leggere (8 pagine)

http://www.earth4567.com/talks/volcanoes.html (here you can find a good power point with lectures notes and execises)

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7533964.stm animazione della BBC sui vulcani

Example of a clil activity on vulcanoes

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  1. Lesson 0 (homework): learn some key words about vulcanoes.
  2. Lesson 1: power point for basic informations on vulcanoes.
  3. Lesson 2: reading and listening exercises using wikipedia and wikibooks pages on vulcanoes.
  4. Lesson 3: watching a documentary on vulcanoes (with subtitles) (es. BBC Earth: The Power of the Planet. Volcano 1-5)
  5. Lesson 4-5: work in group: build a power point (or a document, or a web page, ...) on a related subject.
  6. Lesson 6: exposition of the work

CLIL activities on plate tectonics

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CLIL activities on earthquakes

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