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Cabinet Vision: The Last Mile/Report Center

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Here is some starter material:

1. The report center works, by default, with the Report.mdb. To get information from other sources (CxMaterial, Door.ddb, any .cvc file, etc.) it has to be imported in. Essentially it is importing other database information to work with.

2. A Link is like an import, but instead of directly bringing in data from another database, you configure a view of data using SQL that you can use like any of the other tables in the report.mdb. These are created after Imports.

3. If there is a VBScript on the report, it runs after the previous two are created.

4. Reports have the option "Estimate Materials" in their properties. If this option is checked, it creates the sheet estimate, which is a rudimentary optimization of parts for a sheet count. This happens after the previous three.

5. Reports also have an option for Part Graphics. This option is directly below Estimate Materials in the Report Properties. If this is set to True, then it creates graphics for the parts. This happens after the previous four.

6. After all of this, the actual report is run for you to view. It takes the information from the tables in Report Properties and formats it per the design placed in the Design Report section.