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Card Games/List

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This is a list of card games by alphabetical order.

Most games will use the standard French suited 52 card deck or a variant of it, such as the Russian 36 deck.

Where they do not, this will be noted.

52/4 represents a standard French suited deck, where other numbers are used it means a truncated or stripped version of this deck.

Tarot is for Tarot

Flower is for Japanese Flower cards

Unique is for decks that are designed solely for that game.

CCG is for collectible card games

Game Name Players Deck Used
1000 Blank White Cards 3+ Unique
3-5-8 3 52
304 4 36
400 4 52
500 2-6 33-63
66 2-4 20-24
Game Name Players Deck Used
All Fours 2-8 52
All Fives 2-3 52
Agram 2-7 31-35
Apples to Apples 4-10 Unique
Game Name Players Deck Used
Baccarat 2+ 52 x 6-8
Binokel 2 – 4 24 x 2 (German)
Blackjack 2+ 52 x 1-8
Bezique 2 32 x 2
Bourre 2–7 52
Briscola 2–8 Italian (40)
Game Name Players Deck Used
Go Fish 2–5 52 x 1
(or 54 including Jkr's)
Go-Stop 2–4 Hwatu (48)
Golf 2+ 52 x 1
52 x 2
Golf Patience 1 52
Gong Zhu
(Chase the Pig)
4 52
  • Napoleon (or Nap) – trick-taking game with auction, based on whist, variable number of players
  • Nertz
  • Nines – three-handed whist variant

Samba (4 to 6 players)
