Historical Rhetorics
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Pages in category "Historical Rhetorics"
The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Isocrates' "Busiris"
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Isocrates' ''Against the Sophists''
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Isocrates' ''Antidosis''
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Papillion, Terry. "Isocrates' Techne and Rhetorical Pedagogy."
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Papillion, Terry. "Mixed Unities in the Antidosis of Isocrates."
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/The Praise of Isocrates
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Vitanza's ''Negation, Subjectivity, and the History of Rhetoric'', chapters 3 & 4
- Historical Rhetorics/A Little Aristotle and the Other Socrates/Welch's ''Electric Rhetoric'', chapters 2 & 3
- Historical Rhetorics/Cicero's Public and the Greek Tradition
- Historical Rhetorics/Cicero's Public and the Greek Tradition/DiLorenzo, Raymond. "The Critique of Socrates in Cicero's De Oratore: ornatus and the Nature of Wisdom." ''Philosophy & Rhetoric'' 11 (1978): 247–261.
- Historical Rhetorics/Cicero's Public and the Greek Tradition/Goodwin, Jean. "Cicero's Authority." ''Philosophy & Rhetoric'' 34 (2001): 38-60.
- Historical Rhetorics/Cicero's Public and the Greek Tradition/Jarratt, Susan C. "Sappho's Memory." RSQ 32.1 (2002): 11-43.
- Historical Rhetorics/Cicero's Public and the Greek Tradition/Meador, Prentice A. "Rhetoric and Humanism in Cicero." ''Philosophy & Rhetoric'' 3 (1970): 1–12.
- Historical Rhetorics/Cicero's Public and the Greek Tradition/Zerba, Michelle. "The Frauds of Humanism: Cicero, Machiavelli, and the Rhetoric of Imposture." ''Rhetorica'' 22.3 (2004): 215-240
- Historical Rhetorics/Contemporary Sophistic Scholarship
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Battle Against an Oral World
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/A Tincture of Philosophy, A Tincture of Hope: The Portrayal of Isocrates in Plato's ''Phaedrus''
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/Clark, Randall Baldwin. “Geriatrics.”
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/McComiskey, Bruce. "Disassembling Plato's Critique of Rhetoric in the ''Gorgias'' (447a-466a)."
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/Memory, Myth, and Rhetoric in Plato's "Phadreus"
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/Plato's Denunciation of Rhetoric in the ''Phaedrus''
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/Plato, ''Apology''
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/Plato, ''Gorgias''
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/Plato, ''Phadreus''
- Historical Rhetorics/Plato's Relationship to Rhetoric/The Praise of Isocrates
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric During the Birth of the Modern University
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric During the Birth of the Modern University/Bevilacqua, Vincent M. “Campbell, Vico, and the Rhetorical Science of Human Nature.” Philosophy & Rhetoric 18.1 (1985): 23-30.
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric During the Birth of the Modern University/Mailloux, Steven. “Humanist Controversies: The Rhetorical Humanism of Ernesto Grassi and Michael Leff.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 45.2 (2012). 134-147.
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric During the Birth of the Modern University/Verene, Donald Phillip. "Philosophy, Argument and Narration." Philosophy & Rhetoric. 22.2 (1989): 141-144. Print.
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence/Camper, K. M. (2013). The stylistic virtues of clarity and obscurity in Augustine of Hippo's De doctrina christiana.
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence/Erickson, Keith V. "The Significance of ''Doctrina'' in Augustine's ''De Doctrina Christiana.''
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence/Fulkerson, Gerald. "Augustine's Attitude Toward Rhetoric in 'De Doctrina Christiana': the Significance of 2.37.55."
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence/Johnson, W. R. “Isocrates Flowering: The Rhetoric of Augustine.” ''Philosophy & Rhetoric'' (1976): 217–31.
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence/King, Andrew A. "St. Augustine's Doctrine of Participation As a Metaphysic of Persuasion."
- Historical Rhetorics/Rhetoric's Medieval Resurgence/Schaeffer, John D. “The Dialectic of Orality and Literacy: The Case of Book 4 of Augustine’s De doctrina christiana.” ''PMLA'' 111.5 (October 1996): 1133-1145.
- Historical Rhetorics/Sharratt, Peter. "Ramus 2000." ''Rhetorica'' 18.4 (2000): 399-455
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/*Nash Smith, Jessica. “(Dis)membering Quintilian’s Corpus: Ramus Reads the Body Rhetoric.”
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/Brinton, Alan. "Quintilian, Plato, and the Vir Bonus." ''Philosophy Rhetoric'' 16.3 (1983): 167. Print.
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/Fall 2011: Richard Lanham's "The Q Question"
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/Katula, Richard A. "Quintilian on the Art of Emotional Appeal." ''Rhetoric Review'' 22.1 (2003): 5-15. Print.
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/Stewart, Donald C. "The Legacy of Quintilian." ''English Education'' 11.2 (1979): 103-17. Print
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/Waisanen, Don. "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Decorum: Quintilian's Reflections on Rhetorical Humor."
- Historical Rhetorics/Should We Read Quintilian?/Walzer, Arthur. "Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric in the Institutes: Quintilian on Honor and Expediency." ''Rhetoric Society Quarterly'' 36.3 (2006): 263. Print.
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/*Poulakos, John. "Toward a Sophistic Definition of Rhetoric." ''Contemporary Rhetorical Theory.''
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Consigny, Scott. "Edward Schiappa's Reading of the Sophists."
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Crowley, Sharon. "A Plea for the Revival of Sophistry."
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Leff, Michael
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Poulakos, John. "Toward a Sophistic Definition of Rhetoric." ''Contemporary Rhetorical Theory.''
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Rivers, Nathaniel.
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Scott, Robert L. "Non-Discipline as a Remedy for Rhetoric? A Reply to Victor Vitanza."
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Vitanza, Victor J. "Critical Sub/Versions of the History of Philosophical Rhetoric."
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Vitanza, Victor J. “The Included Third: The Death of Rhetoric and History and the Sophists, and their Rebirth in the Sign of a ‘Third Sophistic.’”
- Historical Rhetorics/Sophists Old and New/Wick, Audrey. “The Feminist Sophistic Enterprise: From Euripides to the Vietnam War.”
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Berlin, James A. "Aristotle's Rhetoric in Context: Interpreting Historically."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Clayton, Edward W. "The Audience for Aristotle's Rhetoric."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Halloran, S. Michael. "Aristotle's Concept of Ethos, or If Not His, Somebody Else's."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Jacob, Bernard E. "What if Aristotle Took Sophists Seriously? New Readings in Aristotle's ''Rhetoric''."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Kinneavy, James L., and Catherine R. Eskin. "Kairos in Aristotle's Rhetoric."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/McAdon, Brad. "Reconsidering the Intention or Purpose of Aristotle's Rhetoric."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Miller, Carolyn R. "Aristotle's 'Special Topics' in Rhetorical Practice and Pedagogy."
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Newman, Sara J. “Aristotle’s Definition of Rhetoric in the Rhetoric: The Metaphors and their Message.”
- Historical Rhetorics/The Big Aristotle/Quandahl, Ellen. “Aristotle’s Rhetoric: Reinterpreting Invention.”
- Historical Rhetorics/The Death of Rhetorics of Substance