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Celestia/Development Road Map

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This page is obsolete. For current information, see Ideas for post 1.7 era on GitHub.

Here's a development roadmap for Celestia (as of 6/22/07), with tasks roughly prioritized highest first.

Celestia 1.5.0pre3

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  • Don't require LuaHook for scripted orbits and rotations
  • Fix cloud shadows
  • ASAP

Celestia v1.5.0pre3 for Windows was made available on May 24, 2007. A list of the accumulated changes and the location for downloading the Windows installer are at https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11082&

Celestia 1.5.0pre4

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  • Changes to standard data files:
    • new Eros model
    • new ISS and Mir models
    • new Itokawa model
  • Fix stars
  • Allow star orbits to be toggled separately from planet orbits
  • Eliminate OrbitBarycenter
  • Adjust near clip plane for FOV (to preserve depth buffer precision)
  • Don't show labels for star system barycenters
  • Fix SSC texture override for meshes

Celestia v1.5.0pre4 for Windows was made available on October 29, 2007. Not all of the hoped-for improvements were included, but many bugs were fixed. A list of the accumulated changes and the location for downloading the Windows installer are at https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11605&

Celestia 1.5.0pre5

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Celestia v1.5.0pre5 for Windows was made available on December 18, 2007. Not all of the hoped-for improvements were included, but many bugs were fixed. A list of the accumulated changes and the location for downloading the Windows installer are at https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11807

Celestia 1.5.0pre6

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Celestia v1.5.0pre6 for Windows was made available on January 21, 2008. Not all of the hoped-for improvements were included, but many bugs were fixed. A list of the accumulated changes and the location for downloading the Windows installer are at https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11932

Celestia 1.5.0 final

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Celestia v1.5.0 for Windows and MacOS X, as well as a tarball of its source code, was made available on January 26, 2008. It can be downloaded from SourceForge.

Not all of the hoped-for improvements listed below were included, but many bugs were fixed. A list of the accumulated changes is available at https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11953

  • Changes to standard data files:
    • Switch to new rotation model forms
  • Atmospheres
    • Make dense atmospheres work better
    • Fix artifacts from linear interpolation across triangles
    • Fix too-dark sky at zenith
    • Automatic conversion of new style atmosphere parameters to old ones
  • Default body frame is based on parent, not center of orbit frame; is this right?
  • Fix depth sorting of labels

Celestia 1.5.1

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Change of plans: Celestia v1.5.1 will be strictly a bug-fix release, plus translations which were not included in v1.5.0. Features listed below which weren't in v1.5.0 will be included in v1.6.0.

  • Script function to show / hide individual objects
  • Script menu Already completed for 1.5.0
  • Make quaternion slerp more robust Already completed for 1.5.0
  • Double precision SampledOrbits Already completed for 1.5.0
  • Pulsar catalog?
  • Triaxial ellipsoids for solar system bodies
  • Fix multiple star handling in star database builder
  • Bug fixing

Celestia v1.5.1 for Windows and MacOS X was made available on May 5, 2008. It can be downloaded from SourceForge.

Celestia 1.6.0

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For a more up-to-date list of features considered or implemented for Celestia v1.6.0, see the WikiPage Celestia/160Features.

  • User-definable object classes
  • Orbits:
    • More flexible means to choose which orbits to display (custom classes)
  • Allow orbits to be shown in any reference frame
  • Script:
    • Functions to deal with object classes
    • Expose 1.5.0 reference frames in scripts
    • Vector and orientation parameters for ScriptedOrbits and ScriptedRotations
  • Markers:
    • Labeled markers
    • Allow different reference frames for markers
  • Texture improvements:
    • Use lower resolution virtual texture tiles for surface patches farther from camera
    • Improve texture memory management
    • Multi-threaded texture loader
    • Optimize galaxy rendering: point sprites, vertex buffers instead of immediate mode.
    • Allow lists of kernel files
    • Manage loaded kernels
    • C-kernel rotation model
    • Generic frame rotation model
  • Goto fixes:
    • Fix center orbit (currently assumes infinitely distant target)
    • Goto barycenter should pick a distance based on size of the orbits around the barycenter.
  • SampledOrbit / SampledOrientation:
    • Periodic SampledOrbits
    • Support cubic interpolation of SampledOrientation files
  • New Earth rotation CustomRotations--precession, nutation, IRTF93
  • Internal changes:
    • Implement velocity method for all orbit types
    • Change internal time scale to be Julian days relative to J2000.0
    • Use J2000 ecliptic coordinate system throughout Celestia
    • CachingRotation base class
  • More accurate lunar orbit
  • Depth sort location labels (new drawable type: label cluster)
  • New data:
    • Create model for comet Tempel 1
    • Create model for asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 and its moon
  • Eliminate the .cms format

Celestia v1.6.0 for Windows and MacOS X, as well as a tarball of its source code, was made available on July 9, 2009. It can be downloaded from SourceForge.

Celestia 1.7.0

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  • Spacecraft fly mode
  • Network Server Separated
  • Dynamic milky way model
  • Earth, Moon, Saturn Ring Details
  • Support Collada (.dae)
  • Dynamic loading and unloading of add-ons
  • Make add-ons easier to install
  • Multiple names for solar system objects (done)
  • For stars, do antialiased points in shader
  • 3D graphic objects in scripts
  • Reference frames
    • Named frames
    • Rotation offset frames
    • Two-vector frames: closest point vectors
  • Self shadowing for complex objects
  • Address 16k light year limit (done)
  • Supernova catalog?

Celestia 2.0

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  • High dynamic range lighting - photorealism
  • Light scattering model for rings
  • Major UI improvements
  • Advance Visual effects