Chemical Information Sources/Wilson and Wilson's Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry
Vol | Part | Year | Contents |
I | A | 1959 | Analytical Processes; Gas Analysis; Inorganic Qualitative Analysis; Organic Qualitative Analysis; Inorganic Gravimetric Analysis |
I | B | 1960 | Inorganic Titrimetric Analysis; Organic Quantitative Analysis |
I | C | 1962 | Analytical Chemistry of the Elements |
II | A | 1964 | Electrochemical Analysis; Electrodeposition; Potentiometric Titrations; Conductometric Titrations; High-frequency Titrations |
II | B | 1968 | Liquid Chromatography in Columns; Gas Chromatography; Ion Exchangers; Distillation |
II | C | 1971 | Paper and Thin-Layer Chromatography |
II | D | 1975 | Coulometric Analysis |
III | 1975 | Elemental Analysis with MinuteSamples; Standards and Standardization; Separations by Liquid Amalgams; Vacuum Fusion Analysis of Gases in Metals; Electroanalysis in Molten Salts | |
IV | 1975 | Instrumentation for Spectroscopy; Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy; Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy | |
V | 1975 | Emission Spectroscopy; Analytical Microwave Spectroscopy; Analytical Applications of Electron Microscopy | |
VI | 1976 | Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy | |
VII | 1976 | Thermal Methods in Analytical Chemistry; Substoichiometric Analytical Methods | |
VIII | 1977 | Enzyme Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry; Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy | |
IX | 1979 | Ultraviolet Photoelectron and Photoion Spectroscopy; Auger Electron Spectroscopy; Plasma Excitation in Spectrochemical Analysis | |
X | 1980 | Organic Spot Test Analysis; The History of Analytical Chemistry | |
XI | 1981 | The Application of Mathematical Statistics in Analytical Chemistry | |
XII | A | 1981 | Thermal Analysis: Simultaneous Thermoanalytical Examinations by Means of the Derivatograph |
XII | B | 1982 | Thermal Analysis: Biochemical and Clinical Applications of Thermometric and Thermal Analysis |
XII | C | 1984 | Thermal Analysis: Emanation Thermal Analysis and Other Radiometric Emanation Methods |
XII | D | 1984 | Thermal Analysis: Thermophysical Properties of Solids |
XII | E | 1990 | Thermal Analysis: Pulse Method of Measuring Basic Thermophysical Parameters |
XIII | A | 1981 | Analysis of Complex Hydrocarbons: Separation Methods |
XIII | B | 1981 | Analysis of Complex Hydrocarbons: Group Analysis and Detailed Analysis |
XIV | 1982 | Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry | |
XV | 1983 | Methods of Organic Analysis | |
XVI | 1982 | Chemical Microscopy; Thermomicroscopy of Organic Compounds | |
XVII | 1982 | Gas and Liquid Analyzers | |
XVIII | 1983 | Kinetic Methods in Chemical Analysis; Application of Computers in Analytical Chemistry | |
XIX | 1986 | Analytical Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrometry | |
XX | 1985 | Photometric Methods in Inorganic Trace Analysis | |
XXI | 1988 | New Developments in Conductimetric and Oscillometric Analysis | |
XXII | 1986 | Titrimetric Analysis in Organic Solvents | |
XXIII | 1988 | Analytical and Biomedical Applications of Ion-Selective Field-Effect Transistors | |
XXIV | 1989 | Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis | |
XXV | 1990 | Preconcentration of Trace Elements | |
XXVI | 1990 | Radionuclide X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis | |
XXVII | 1992 | Analytical Voltammetry | |
XXVIII | 1991 | Analysis of Substances in the Gaseous Phase | |
XXIX | 1992 | Chemiluminescence Immunoassay | |
XXX | 1996 | Spectrochemical Trace Analysis for Metals and Metalloids | |
XXXI | 1996 | Surfactants in Analytical Chemistry: Applications of Organized Amphiphilic Media | |
XXXII | 1999 | Environmental Analytical Chemistry |