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As this page is under construction, it may be useful for now to refer to the "Verbs (Raw)" tab in this sheet:


On Memorization

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It is useful to memorize bare roots of verbs. It is also useful to memorize the conjugation class of each verb.

Regarding memorizing exceptions ...

There may be exceptions in individual verbs, mostly in regards to tone or vowel length in a particular suffix. The use of the minor high (H2) in stems also depends on the specific stem. However, it is probably not worth your time to stress over such details, for there is considerable dialectal and idiolectal (i.e. personal) variation in the realm of verb conjugation, and in general, in Cherokee. I would recommend trying to memorize and internalize just the typical stems suffixes (and not the exceptions).

Symbol Meaning Notes
major high Using "i" to demonstrate. The vowel with the circle diacritic carries a major high (H1) toneme. Read more about H1and other tones here, on the Tone in Cherokee page (listed under the Phonology heading in the Grammar section on the main page).
í other high Using "i" to demonstrate. The vowel with the acute accent carries a high tone. In citing suffixes and even some verb roots this refers to a high tone not attributed to the major high. It could be the minor high (H2) or a random high tone associated with the suffix or verb.
: previous vowel lengthens Lengthening of the previous vowel (which would be found in the pronominal or reflexive/middle prefix) is considered equivalent to a phoneme (meaningful sound-related element) in the Cherokee.
O transitive ("Object") Used to clarify the meaning of certain verbs whose transitivity is ambiguous in English, as transitive (object-taking). For example, "rip" may refer to a piece of paper ripping, or someone ripping something. With the specification "rip O," it becomes clear that it refers to someone ripping something rather than something ripping itself or being ripped (which would be the intransitive version).
(i) intransitive Used to clarify that the verb is considered intransitive, i.e. the opposite of "O".
rev reversive Verb uses a reversive derivational suffix.
(bi) aspiration NA Aspiration consideration is not applicable due to the set B verb being intransitive.
lr lowfall resonant aspiration class
gs special glottal aspiration class

General Patterns of the Conjugation Classes

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Conjugation class is a property of each verb that identifies which suffixes are attached to the root to create the five stems of the verb. The table below lists the usual suffixes for the five stems for each conjugation class.

Typical Stem Suffixes for the Conjugation Classes
Conjugation Class Present Continuous Immediate Incompletive Completive Deverbal Noun Major High on Infinitive
1a íh a iisg vvh vhd no
1b ih a isg ahn ohd
1c i̊q v̊–ga i̊–sg å–n o̊–d

List of Verbs

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In the Set column, only set A ga- verbs and set B verbs are marked. If unmarked, set A a- is assumed. This is because set A a- verbs are the most common.

The Special column identifies necessary information for using the verb. The Notes column is for information that may be useful but is not strictly necessary.

List of Verbs (All)
Prefixes Set Root Special Conjugation Meaning Notes
ali-dl 1a boil (i) ali + dl
(a)nå–gal 1a be lightning
ga :jagal 1a rip O
ga qniiy 1a catch, arrest O; play catcher
åagoon 1a target-practice (i)
d aaliiyo̊os 1a change >socks
åasees 1a withdraw O, pull out (>drawer)
atlawiid gs 1a take off flying, fly away
d agaleen pl only 1a (they) separate
akwiy gs 1a pay (>money)
alå–sgal 1a play ball (i)
aleen 1a begin O
al[i]-sdeel 1a help (generally) (i)
adaa-jagal 1a rip (i)
ad-aleen 1a begin (i)
b adeetiy (bi) 1a have a birthday (i)
adiid 1a rise from a prone position
bw aduul 1a want O
ga hnå–sdeedl lr 1a root out O
ga hne̊egwad lr 1a pry O
hwaht lr 1a find S/AN
hwiid lr 1a take S s.w.
hyan lr 1a call, invite; receive, get AN
hyvsgiiy lr 1a choke O
d g[a]htl lh 1a shell >corn
d kaneehy lr 1a untie O rev
gvvhal 1a cut, slice S confirm S
ga l 1a take LG out of a container
ga nå–hwt asp? 1a find FL
ga nå–wiid 1a take AN/FL s.w.
ga neehwaht 1a find LQ
ga neehwid 1a take LQ s.w.
ga ne̊egal 1a peel, skin O
ga nvvgal 1a clean O
sdeel 1a help O
dl 1a draw LQ out of container
ga vhdl uwv 1a sharpen O
y lr? 1a pick up LG
yvvhwaht lr 1a find LG