Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nc3/2...Bb4/3. d4
Vienna Game, Zhuravlev Countergambit, Hrómdaka Attack | |
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) | |
Moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Bb4 3. d4 |
Hrómdaka Attack
[edit | edit source]This agreesive move aims to counter the Zhuravlev with an more agressive variation than the normal 3. Bc4 or 3. Nd5, the most common moves, black's most natural point in the Zhuravlev is to take the knight on c3, however after d4, black can take the knight but they dont need to, the knight is pinned and cant go anywhere, the only plausible reason to take the knight is because of the doubled pawns, even If white gets the doubled pawns, white has a great position with optimal center control
Possible Moves
[edit | edit source]3... d6 - Best move according to Stockfish 16, this is a position that even though white can ruin black's castle, you can't really start an attack on the black's king after 4. dxe5 dxe5 5. Qxd8+ Kxd8 and white has a +0.2 advantage but nothing much, white can also play Nf3 but black still doesn't have a great reason to play Bxc3+, computers recomend Nd7, and then white can play moves like Bc4, Bd3, Bd2 or a3, which now gives black a great reason to play Bxc3+ since after a3, the bishop Will be attacked
3... Qh4 - This dumb-looking move is actually the second best Stockfish 16 line, similar to the Stenitz Variation of the Scotch Game, black attack the e4 pawn, g3 is obviously a blunder because of Qxe4+ winning the Rook after Qe2, Qxh1, the best move is incredibly Be3! sacrificing the e4 pawn for development, many beginner to intermidiate level player, might get confused with Be3, that's why you can also play Bd2, and defend the pawn, Qxe4+??? is a catasthrophic blunder since white can simply take because the knight isn't pinned anymore
3... Bxc3?! (Exchange Line)- This is a natural move but considered a inacuracy in fact, this is so natural that it is played 42% of the time according to the lichess player database, played over 200.000 times, white gets a +0.9 position after bxc3, black doesn't have enough compenstation for the loss of the bishop pair, white's control in the center completely destroys black's advantage, and is simply not a favourable move