Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Qh5/2...Nc6/3. Bc4/3...g6/4. Qf3/4...Nf6/5. Nc3/5...Nd4

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< Chess Opening Theory‎ | 1. e4‎ | 1...e5‎ | 2. Qh5‎ | 2...Nc6‎ | 3. Bc4‎ | 3...g6‎ | 4. Qf3‎ | 4...Nf6‎ | 5. Nc3
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Parham Attack

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Parham Attack
a b c d e f g h
8 a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8 8
7 a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7 7
6 a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6 6
5 a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5 5
4 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4 4
3 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 3
2 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 2
1 a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 1
a b c d e f g h
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)
Moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nd4


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Black threatens to fork White’s pieces while simultaneously putting pressure on the queen, thereby forcing it to retreat to its original square, resulting in a tempo gain. White has some options, white can respond with Qd1, which retreats the queen to it’s starting square while keeping pressure over the diagonals, or Qd3, which does not retreat the queen but instead protects the c2 pawn. However, playing Qd3 results in a loss of control over the diagonals.

White has a variety of moves to play here.

  • Qd1: Qd1 retreats the queen back to the square, saving white from being forked. This move is the best move to play in this position.
  • Qd3: An alternative to Qd1, but this lessens the control over the center.

Theory table

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For explanation of theory tables, see theory table and for notation, see algebraic notation.

5 6 7
Main Line Nc3?




Variation Qd3 Nc3?




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