Christian Hymns/The Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow

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  • Author: John Milton
  • Source:


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Hymn Tune(s):

  • Balfour
  • Coleshill
  • Eagley
  • Old 107th
  • St. Magnus
  • St. Stephen
  • York


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The Lord will come and not be slow,

His footsteps cannot err;

Before Him righteousness shall go,

His royal harbinger.

Truth from the earth, like to a flower,

Shall bud and blossom then;

And justice, from her heavenly bower,

Look down on mortal men.

Surely to such as do him fear

Salvation is at hand!

And glory shall ere long appear

To dwell within our land.

Rise, God, judge thou the earth in might,

This wicked earth redress;

For thou art he who shalt by right

The nations all possess.

The nations all whom thou hast made

Shall come, and all shall frame

To bow them low before thee, Lord,

And glorify thy Name.

For great thou art, and wonders great

By Thy strong hand are done:

Thou in Thy everlasting seat

Remainest God alone.