Classroom Management and Discipline/Starting Out

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Design, scheduling and other social-environmental factors all come into play when creating a positive behavior environment. Early intervention involves designing a classroom that encourages pro-social behavior and allows each student some sense of ownership, security, and belonging. Let's consider the various levels of design and how student behavior is influenced by each.

How Classroom Design Matters

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How do you want people to feel when they enter your room? What types of signals are conveyed by how your classroom is arranged?

Scheduling Considerations

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How much time do you give your students to process directions? How much down time do you give your students?

Knowing Your Students

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Know each one of them by their name. When you talk to them or about them look them in the eye so they know that you know their names. Also getting to know the different personalities of each of them will help you in class. Apportion tasks to them at times to draw them out ( for the shy, quiet types), help them burn some energy ( the very active ones) and generally just to give them a feel that they matter to you and belong somewhere.