Cognitive Science: An Introduction
Cognitive Science: An Introduction
This book is intended to be an introductory undergraduate text for the field of cognitive science, the interdiscipline that endeavors to understand cognition at a computational level from a variety of methodological viewpoints.
About This Book
What Cognitive Science Is
Approaches to Cognitive Science
- Artificial Intelligence Methods
- Psychology Methods
- Statistics
- Philosophy Methods
- Linguistics Methods
- Neuroscience Methods
- Anthropology Methods
- Serious Games and Crowdsourcing Methods
The Architecture of the Mind
- What is an Architecture?
- Modularity vs. General Purpose Functioning
- Emotion
- Non-Emotion Feelings
- Metaphor and Analogy
- Cognitive Architectures Implemented As Software
- Brain Architecture and Processing
The Evolution of Intelligence
- What is evolution?
- Kinds of Intelligences
- Methodology: How Can We Understand the Evolution of Intelligence?
- A Brief History of Human Evolution
- Explanations For How Humans Got So Smart
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Perception's Role in Cognition
- Vision
- Audition
- Haptics
- Olfaction
- Gustation
- Vestibular Systems
- Proprioception
- Interoception
- Senses In Non-human Animals and Robots
- What the Senses Have in Common
- Synesthesia
Specific Mental Processes
- What Consciousness Is
- Psychology of Time
- Psychology of Pain
- Philosophical Issues of Pain
- Dreaming
- Control of the Body
- Gut brain
Memory, Representation, and Learning
- Memory Introduction
- Human Memory
- Computer and Software Memory
- Memory In Distributed Cognitive Systems
- Kinds of Learning
- Learning At Different Levels of Analysis
Reasoning and Inference
- The General Function of Reasoning
- Categorization
- Creativity, Planning, and Imagination
- Biases and Reasoning Heuristics
- Moral Thinking
Language and Communication
- Kinds of Language
- Non-Human Communication
- Human Language
- Logic
- The Language of Thought and Intra-brain Communication
Development Over the Lifespan
- Brain Development
- The Nature-Nurture Debate
- Psychology of Play
- Acting to Learn
- Cognitive Training in Adults
Cognitive Science and The Real World