Complete Guide to Essential Oils/A to Z of essential oils/Benzoin

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Styrax benzoin
Styrax benzoin
Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)

Benzoin oil comes from the resin (dried sap) of the Styrax benzoin tree. It has a warm, sweet scent, similar to vanilla. It has a calming and stabilizing effect. It is a base note oil.


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Benzoin resin
Benzoin resin


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Stimulates the pancreas and may help to stabilize blood sugar levels.


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Soothes stress, anxiety and nervousness. With a comforting and relaxing effect on the mind, it can help reduce "overthinking" and mental exhaustion. Use it with a carrier oil for massage or through inhalation.


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Benzoin has an anti-infectious property and can help to fight infection.


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Relieves asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis and symptoms of a cold. For coughs and sore throats, apply benzoin in a balm or cream to the throat and chest.

Eases muscle pain. Use with a carrier oil for massage, or add to a bath. Soothes mouth ulcers.

Improves acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and scar tissue. Helps chapped skin, chilblains, frostbite and minor wounds to heal.

Blend with

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Benzoin works well in blends with bergamot, frankincense, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, bitter orange and sandalwood.


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  • Benzoin oil can be very relaxing.