Cookbook:Cuisine of Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Cookbook | Ingredients | Cuisines

  • Matembele (sweet potato leaves)
  • Tshaka-madesu (cassava leaves and beans stew)
  • Madesu (bean stew)
  • Epinard (spinach)
  • Biteku-teku (another spinach variant)
  • Mbembe (mussel)
  • Loso (rice)
  • Mayebo (mushroom)
  • Makayabu (salt fish)
  • Poto-poto (porridge)
  • Soso (chicken)
  • Libata (duck)
  • Soso ya lolendo (turkey)
  • Mbinzo (dried caterpillar)
  • Mbisi yako kauka (dried fish)
  • Ngulu (pork)
  • Ntaba (goat)
  • Ngombe (cow)