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Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients | Equipment | Techniques | Cookbook Disambiguation Pages | Ingredients | Fruit

The pomegranate is a fruit the size of a large orange. The leathery reddish-pink skin shelters the membranous walls and bitter tissue that house compartments or sacs filled with hundreds of seeds. A translucent red pulp that has a slightly sweet and tart taste surrounds these seeds. Pomegranates are grown in California and throughout Asia and the Mediterranean countries.

Selection and Storage

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Pomegranates are available in the United States from September through December. Select fruit that is heavy for its size with bright, fresh color and blemish-free skin. You can refrigerate whole pomegranates for up to 2 months or store them in a cool, dark place for up to a month. Pomegranate seeds packed in an airtight container and stored in the freezer will keep for up to 3 months.

Uses and Preparation

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Pomegranates are a versatile fruit and can be used as a garnish on sweet and savory dishes or pressed to extract the juice. To use a pomegranate, cut it in half and pry out the pulp-encased seeds, removing any of the light-colored membrane that adheres. The seed pods tend to squirt when they pop, and you will invariably pop quite a few of them while handling a pomegranate. The juice will stain, so be sure to wear an apron or clothing that you don’t mind getting stained.

The juice can also stain your walls or countertops; a good way to avoid the squirting juices is to handle the fruit completely submerged in a large pot of water. The seeds will sink to the bottom, and the membrane will float. Use a strainer to scoop out the membrane, then pour the rest through a collander to collect the seed pods.