Croatian/Main Contents/Level 1/Lesson 4

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Following is a list of Croatian words for animals with plural forms. Croatian word for animal is živòtinja (pl. živòtinje).

Mammals/Sisavac (pl. sȉsāvci)

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English Croatian (sing.) Croatian (pl.)
Dog (Canine) Pȁs Psȉ
Cat (Feline) Mȁčka Mȁčke
Mouse Mȉš Mȉševi
Duck Pȁtka Pȁtke
Cow Krȁva Krȁve
Rabbit Kùnīć Kùnīći
Hamster Hŕčak Hŕčci
Guinea pig Zámorac Zámōrci
Squirrel Vjȅverica Vjȅverice
Rat Štȁkor Štȁkori
Hare Zȇc Zȅčevi, or

(rarely) zȅcovi,

(collective noun) zȅčād

Goat Kòza Kòze
Sheep Óvca Ȏvce
Horse Kȍnj Kȍnji
English Croatian (sing.) Croatian (pl.)
Fox Lisica Lisice
Monkey, Ape Majmun Majmuni
Lynx Ris Risovi
Cheetah Gepard Gepardi
Platypus Čudnovati kljunaš

(lit. means: strange beak)

Čudnovati kljunaši
Lion Lav Lavovi
Walrus Morž Morževi
Seal Tuljan Tuljani
Rodent Glodavac Glodavci
Mammal Sisavac Sisavci
Whale Kit Kitovi
Rhino Nosorog

(means: nose-horn)

Hippo Nilski konj or


(means: Nile horse or water horse)

Nilski konji or


Bear Medvjed Medvjedi
Bat Šišmiš Šišmiši
Wolf Vuk Vukovi or

rarely vuci (usually in old songs or jokes)

Marten Kuna

(also name of Croatian currency)

Kangaroo Klokan Klokani
Armadillo Pasanac Pasanci


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English Croatian (sing.) Croatian (pl.)
Worm Crv Crvi
Ladybug Bubamara or božja ovčica

(Buba means bug and Mara is a name. Božja ovčica means God's little sheep)

Božja ovčice
Swan Labud Labudovi
Shark Morski pas Morski psi
Fish Riba Ribe


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English Croatian
Male cat (tomcat) Mačak
Female dog (bitch) Kuja
Male duck Patak
Female horse (mare) Kobila
Female wolf Vučica
Male goat Jarac
Male sheep Ovan
Male fox Lisac
Female rabbit Kunica
Female hare Zečica
Female lion (lioness) Lavica
Female moust Mišica
Female bear Medvjedica
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English Croatian
Shoo! (for cats) Šic!
Shoo! (for dogs) Marš!

(also means: march)

Shoo! (other) Iš!
Sit! Sjedi!
To die (animals only) Uginuti
To give birth (animals only) Okotiti
To sniff (animals only) Njušiti

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