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Cyber Guide to ODU Career Management/Get Up-to-Date/CAP Meeting

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PHASED OUT - Use CAP Meeting instead

CAP Meeting

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9:30 AM, every 2nd & 4th Wednesday - Champion Room


  • Virtual Meeting via Connect (link to be provided)
  • Employer Evaluation with Inquisite format - A little more tweaking. (pcp/alj)
  • Optimal Resume reviews due
  • Spring Career Fair Update (Randy)
  • Target Case Study Update (Randy)
  • Blogs (Laura)
  • FOCUS 2 (Heidi)


  • 2/13 - UC Brochure - 7 thing you should know about the CMC
  • 2/13 - Optimal Resume Demo Will King, Regional Sales Manager, 802-253-8338, willk@optimalresume.com will set up 30 day demo
  • 2/13 - "Outside" Internship Postings - contact those in your area to offer assistance
  • 2/13 - Holding Bin - Internships - Need to make sure schedules and college interns don't sit ther (Bev)
  • 2/13 - Program Evals discussed - Laura will modify and send out draft (Laura)
  • 2/13 - C3M Mass Email - submit one person from your College or area for mass emails (Laura)
  • Summer Project - Workshops not seminars
  • 11/14 - Part of Heidi and Penny Action Item**Pictures as Ned & Nadine (Head Holes - Andy)
  • 11/14 - Penny will work with Andy, Paul, and Christine A. to arrange these C3M Surveys. Penny will add item to agenda when survey results are available in preparation for next year's event.
  • 11/14 - Develop "refresher course" for new (1st semester) Coordinators in January. Blackboard site created 12/12

2/13 - All present (but Joe)

  • GEICO Internship target population Golden Key and 3.2 and above(Bev)
  • Target Case Study timeline finalized - Penny's synopsis:

Marketing Campaign:
Feb 18-Feb 28: Liaisons do preliminary marketing to targeted audiences within colleges using C3M and fliers. Invite to attend information table to find out how to win a $500 scholarship. Will need special flier to invite students to the information table. This flier is needed asap since it will only be used between Feb 18 and Feb 28. It would help if the flier had lots of Target logo and our logo also. This can be posted in buildings, passed out in classrooms, etc.
Information Table in Webb Lobby - Feb 28, 2008 Use "Are you on Target to Win?" with Team Entry deadline Mar 3, 2008 Pass out "Team Entry Form" and Case Synopsis Revise Team Entry Form to have Student Name, UIN, Major, Year in school
Competition Dates: Mar 7, 2008 Team Entry Forms are due in CMC, 2202 Webb Can we arrange for Ramonica to collect them and distribute to appropriate Liaisons?
Competition "Kick-Off" Target Visit March 18, 2008 Meet with Target Executives in Williamsburg Room? Student Team Q&A (Must have 2 team members present)
April 7, 2008, Noon, EXECUTIVE REPORT DEADLINE, turn in to CMC. Identify the name of someone to receive the reports in main CMC.
Apr 7-10, 2008: CMC staff review reports and choose top five team finalists. Do we meet together to review them?
April 11, 2008: Announce Finalists and schedule presentation time for Finalists' Presentations.How do we announce them?
April 25, Time and location?. Can we get the Williamsburg Room? Will Target spring for light refreshments? Beverages?
Do we know yet how the money will be distributed to the winners?

  • Locate Leonda brochure Document (found)
  • Layout for Etiquette Dinner/Thundertix (Erin)
  • Annual Report Add newsletters, scholarships (Geico - Penny) (Warren - Alice)
  • Link to Professional Organizations/Participation List from intranet, begin intranet page (Laura) For ALL to update
  • Calendar (all deadlines internal and external - Use PowerPoint template)(Laura)

1/23 - All present (but Joe)

  • 1/09 and 1/23 - SIGN UP for your events in C3M - Employer participation runs through Joe

Make sure your Program Type is complete!

  • 1/09 - Prepare for the Fair - Don't be a Job Fair Dummie/Dress for Success being updated (Penny)
  • UC Strategic Plan progress report - Bullets complete: J:\Everyone\Strategic Plan\UC\UC Strategic Plan - PROGRESS
  • CPT Keys for events - work with Cyber Coaches to assure lock-up - invite cybercoach from calendar!
  • $5 cost for etiquette dinner through front desk, cancellations/deadline: Tues. 3/25 - Employers sign up through eR Career Fairs
  • Text Messages - Use as REMINDER function, need to know more about system to plan


  • Add eR Email filter to students in C3M (done)
  • ICAP Step by Step draft [1](Jen)
  • C3M Kiosk REQUEST (complete)
    • Satellite choices - (top) I am here for: 1) Scheduled Appointment 2) Walk-in (remove choice screen)
    • Main choices - (top) I am here for: 1) Cyber Career Center 2) Scheduled Appointment 3) On-Campus Interview 4) as is
  • Annual Report highlights/narrative via email to Laura - DEADLINE NOON 12/13

Stats DEADLINE January 11! Talked about adding newsletters, scholarships

  • Jobs in eR MUST have a Job Type (Intern/Coop/Job) this is different that Job Classification- PLEASE take special care when activating! (Discussed in Senior Staff too)

1/09 - All present, Alice Late

  • Events Planning - Coop/Intern/Majors Fair (Bev)/Senior Scramble(Penny)/Etiquette (Erin)
  • Employer Participation Plan to run through Joe via C3M (Joe)
  • Experiential Education Agenda items will follow CAP meeting in the future (Bev)
  • Prepare for the Fair - Coop/Intern/Majors Career Fair Tips ready to go (Penny) Updated on web (Laura)

12/12 - All present Guest: Cynthia (OCR)

  • OCR Update: Randy provided a procedure. We all agreed.
  • CAP evaluations/late papers - Deadlines to be determined at separate meeting (Bev)
  • CMC KnowledgeBuilder (Blackboard > My Professional Learning [2] Reviewed Blackboard site for ongoing training(Laura)
  • Calendar reminder (Bev)

11/28 - Cancelled - No Agenda Items
11/14 - Started on time. Absent: Laura, Randy; Erin - LATE (Global Certificate Program)

  • Series and Ned & Nadine Revamp ideas (Done)
  • Resume Reviews with Ned & Nadine (Done)
  • Revised Career Fair Tips (Penny) - Reviewed copy of new information. Heidi will work with Penny to revise links to Job Fair Dress Approriately. Penny will revise Tips for the Coop Intern Majors Fair.
  • Spring Schedule - On Williamsburg Schedule Spring Schedule has been updated. Spring Schedule still needs to be added to C3M.
  • UVA Bus Trip Recommendations (Penny)*Arrange to survey students who attended and those who did not attend. * Students and Cyber Center Resume Reviews - Bev/Erin. Cyber Center Handbook with samples/tips per college for resumes? Student instructed to bring critiqued resume with Cyber Center initials to the College Liaison or Coordinator. We may need to schedule another Resume Training session for the Coordinators.
  • Defense Intelligence Agency event (Bev/Penny) Agreed to have one person do the C3M search and email for all colleges based on the job specs.
  • Coordinator Evaluations - due Dec 1. Forms located in J:Forms/Coordinator/ eval forms. Student worker forms are located in New Employee folder.

10/24- started at 9:30 am
ABSENT: Andrea, NOT EARLY: Alice (here at 10), GUEST: Jennifer Gilliam, Target Case Studies

  • Assigned non-assigned seminars on C3M
  • Each college/area will handle one Advice & Slice (6) and collaborate on one Employer/Mentor Panel (3) per semester
  • Info Sessions - If not run through marketing, liaison puts on eR and C3M, email Laura/Heidi to put on web
  • Process for reporting missing equipment: 1) email staff to recover, 2) after 2 days report to Tom (for Police report)
  • Target Case Studies Program presentation (handouts)

LATE: Randy, Penny, Bev (Employer meeting) GUESTS: Jen (ICAP), Lisa (Give-Aways)

  • Added Management Trainee Program CLASSIFICATION to eR (Laura)
  • Updated Data Entry Standards with Employer Caution List (Laura)
  • Requested CCC project - eR Email filter into C3M (Laura)
  • Added Employing International Students link to ISS on Employer Toolbox(Laura)
  • ICAP Update for Liaisons (Jen F)
  • CPT - Reviewed Data Entry Standards related to Work Authorization (Penny)
  • C3M Mass Emails - Reviewed need for targeted emails from C3M (Bev)

ABSENT: Penny LATE: Randy

  • EARS process through C3M reviewed
  • Kiosk password will be changed reflecting new semester 9/27
  • On Campus Recruiting Info Session Scheduling, Coordination, Marketing Process [3]
  • Cyber Coach Projects/Status updated on intranet dashboard (Heidi)
  • Distribute Williamsburg Troubleshooting (Laura)
  • Prepare for the Fair is now live (your input is welcome!)[4](Laura)
  • Updated Front Desk Protocol [5] (Heidi/Ramonica)


  • Established Front Desk protocol for making appointments
  • Reviewed process for Success Story collection
  • Reviewed process for Marketing/Cyber Center Projects
  • Added C3M Topics: Advising & Course Related