DD-WRT/"Flashing" Instructions

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Via user interface

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The router is to be connect with a LAN cable to the computer on which the firmware file is already loaded. The LAN cable on the router shall not be plugged into the Wan jack, but into one of the usually several LAN jacks.

After logging in, choose update by uploading the firmware file. The memory of the router does in some cases limits the size of the new firmware. During the update, the old and new firmware are on the router together, which can lead to size problems. Therefore it is recommended to load a small firmware at first and after that to update with the required firmware.


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The DD-WRT portal provide a router database[1]. This database recommends firmware binaries for every suitable router. However, these binaries are not or hardly maintained and may contain bugs that have been known for a long time.[2]

Until 2010, stable versions were regularly released[3]. After 2010 there are many more updates, but these are only available as beta builds[4].

You can detect the propper firmware by reading the forums or by trying by yourself of the firmware in the download-center[4]. For this, the router database can be of help in order to determine the sub-location for the appropriate firmware. But remember, that newer is not necessarily better.

Build subtypes

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Type Description
micro smallest file size
mini build with small file size suitable for first DD-WRT installation
mega full range of services
newd driver based on the kernel 2.4 [2]
newd2 should not be used [2]
vint very old Vintage driver for really early Linksys router from about 15 years ago [2]
voip voice over IP support
vpn support of VPN, respectively OpenVPN

Linksys router

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Type Appropriate firmware Remarks
WRT54G v1.1-v3.1 OpenVPN: ≤r36410
WRT54G v5/v5.1/v6 Flashing instructions WRT54G v5/v5.1/v6

What will brick the router

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  • Flashing with too large firmware file. See above.
  • Flashing with an older revision which is first supported for your router. Compare the router database.[1]
  • Flashing if router does not support 2.6 version.[5][6]


[edit | edit source]
  1. a b Router-Database
  2. a b c d Everything you need to know!
  3. Stable Releases
  4. a b Beta Downloads
  5. Version Features
  6. K26 Build Supported Router List