D Programming/RTAI/Installing

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Installing RTAI on Debian/Ubuntu with 2.6 Kernel

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Download the kernel source with the Debian/Ubuntu patches.

Try to build the kernel and boot. So you can be sure later problems are RTAI related.

Download an actual RTAI release. Patch the kernel sources with the appropriated patch from <rtaidir>/base/arch/i386/patches/

cd /usr/src/linux
patch -p1 < ~/rtai/magma/base/arch/i386/patches/hal-linux-2.6.14-1.0-10.patch

In Ubuntu 6.06, there was a problem in smpboot:904 the patch failed, and has to be inserted manually.

configure the Kernel with

make menuconfig
  • No module versioning
  • Active the Adeos patches (since a version between 2.12..2.15 this is no more necessary. This option is now called interrupt pipelining and is automatically enabled)
  • Give the kernel an appended name like "-rtai"

Build the kernel

make menuconfig
make install modules_install

install it into grub and boot

Goto the rtaidir and

make menuconfig

Deselect the support for C++ in kernel, since this is not supported for 2.6 kernels.

After saving the config, do a

sudo make install

Reboot and have a look at dmesg. Now try to load the modules.

cd /usr/realtime/modules
sudo insmod rtai_hal.ko
sudo insmod rtai_lxrt.ko

Recheck dmesg