Data Mining Algorithms In R/Packages/optimsimplex/Set functions

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The functions assign content to various elements of a simplex object:

optimsimplex.setall Set all the coordinates and the function values of all the vertices.
optimsimplex.setallfv Set all the function values of all the vertices.
optimsimplex.setallx Set all the coordinates of all the vertices.
optimsimplex.setfv Set the function value at a givenindex.
optimsimplex.setn Set the dimension of the space of the simplex.
optimsimplex.setnbve Set the number of vertices of the simplex.
optimsimplex.setve Set the coordinates of the vertex and the function values at a given index in the current simplex.
optimsimplex.setx Set the coordinates of the vertex at a given index in the current simplex.


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   optimsimplex.setall(this = NULL, simplex = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setallfv(this = NULL, fv = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setallx(this = NULL, x = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setfv(this = NULL, ive = NULL, fv = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setn(this = NULL, n = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setnbve(this = NULL, nbve = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setve(this = NULL, ive = NULL, fv = NULL, x = NULL)
   optimsimplex.setx(this = NULL, ive = NULL, x = NULL)


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this A simplex object.
simplex The simplex to set. It is expected to be a nbve x n+1 matrix where n is the dimension of the space, nbve is the number of vertices and with the following content:
  • simplex[k,1] is the function value of the vertex k, with k = 1 to nbve,
  • simplex[k,2:(n+1)] is the coordinates of the vertex k, with k = 1 to nbve.
fv A row vector of function values; fv[k] is expected to be the function value for the vertex k, with k = 1 to nbve. For optimsimplex.setfv, fv is expected to be a numerical scalar.
x The nbve x n matrix of vertice coordinates; the vertex is expected to be stored in x[k,1:n], with k = 1 to nbve. For optimsimplex.setve and optimsimplex.setx, x is expected to be a row matrix.
ive Vertex index.
n The dimension of the space of the simplex.
nbve The number of vertices of the simplex.


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Return a updated simplex object this.


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Author of Scilab optimsimplex module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel (