Development Cooperation Handbook/The video resources linked to this handbook/The Documentary Story/Zulfi and Jyoti

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Zulfi and Jyoti

Two more interviews uploaded on YouTube by Fausto. Two interviews in Delhi to “young pundits”. I had met Zulfi in Afgnanistan. A dynamic young man, with the right balance between professionalism and idealism.

Fausto politely asked if he knew of “bad practices” in international cooperation, i.e. where we learned how the things should not be done. He was explicit in denouncing the pretentious of self claimed superior nations to convert others to their own moral stereotypes. I want this to be a key issue in the documentary. Good that Zulfi said it out with such clarity.

On the other side Jyoti elegantly advocated the need of cultures to dialogue more and try to understand each other.

When I now review the various testimonials whose interview we collected I continue to see how the Indian ones stand out for the freshness and vitality of their convictions. A refined combination of openness to world ideas and rooting in their own tradition of thought. I think that in the next centuries Indian minds will have a major role in global thinking.


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Zulfi Haider - UN, Joint Programme on Convergence ⇒ - playlist
Jyoti Sapru - Social scientist ⇒ - playlist