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Donkey Kong 64/Controls

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Control Usage
Control Stick Move; aim perspectives and cross-hairs.
A Jump; swim fast (underwater); shoot from Barrel (Donkey Kong only); Ascend (with Jetpack, Diddy Kong only).
Z+A Backflip.
A+Z Simian Slam (in the air).
Control Stick+A+A Double Jump (Diddy Kong only)
A+A Pony Tail Twirl (Tiny Kong only).
A+B Air attack.
Control Stick+z+A Long jump.
B Attack; pick up barrel/TNT; special charge attack (press and hold, then release); swim slow (underwater);
shoot shooter; take picture; Gorilla Grab (in front of lever) (Donkey Kong only).
Control Stick+B Running attack.
z+B Chimpy Charge (Diddy Kong only); Primate Punch (Chunky Kong only)
z+B+Control Stick Orangstand (Lanky Kong only)
Control Stick+z+B Slide attack (Tiny Kong and Donkey Kong only)
Start Pause the game and display the progress menu.
Z Crouch; use Bananaporter; use Kong Pad; use Battle Arena Pad; dive (in water); Hover in place (with Jetpack, Diddy Kong only).
C Take out the currently controlled Kong's shooter.
C Throw an Orange Grenade.
C Play the currently controlled Kong's musical instrument.
C Take out camera.
C Pan the camera counter-clockwise around the currently controlled Kong.
C Pan the camera clock-wise around the currently controlled Kong.
C Switch to first person perspective (you cannot move while in this mode).
C Adjust the distance of the camera from the currently controlled Kong.
R Move the camera behind the currently controlled Kong (can be held).


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Control Usage
A Jump.
control Extend to the left.
control Extend to the right.
control Speed up.
control Slow down.
Z Duck.
R View from behind.
Start Pause the game.

Slot Car

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Control Usage
Z Go.
control Change lanes to the left.
control Change lanes to the right.
A Fire missile; honk horn (when out of missiles).
Start Pause the game.


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Control Usage
Control Stick Move.
A Jump.
B Attack.
Z + B Charge.
C Pan the camera counter-clockwise around Rambi.
C Pan the camera clock-wise around the Rambi.
C Switch to first person perspective (you cannot move while in this mode).
C Adjust the distance of the camera from Rambi.
R Move the camera behind the Rambi(can be held).
Start Pause the game.


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Control Usage
Control Stick Move.
A Swim.
B Dash.
Z Dive (use when above water).
C Pan the camera counter-clockwise around Enguarde.
C Pan the camera clock-wise around the Enguarde.
C Switch to first person perspective (you cannot move while in this mode).
C Adjust the distance of the camera from Enguarde.
R Move the camera behind the Enguarde (can be held).
Start Pause the game.

Donkey Kong (arcade)

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Control Usage
Left and Right (Control Stick or D-Pad) Move.
Up (Control Stick or D-Pad) Climb up ladder.
Down (Control Stick or D-Pad) Climb down ladder.
A, B Jump.
Start Pause the game.


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Control Usage
Control Stick or D-Pad Move.
A Ascend.
B Fire laser.
L, R Hover in place.
Start Pause the game.