Education in Uzbekistan/Vocational Education in Uzbekistan

Unemployment remains relatively high, and there are many people desperately in need of new or more appropriate skills. There are a number of state and donor programs in place to address the structural training shortfall. Eventually, the goal is to meet European union standards. One of the distinguishing features of the National model of training is to introduce separate types of education. It was created a new type of educational institutions: academic lyceums and professional colleges, offering the possibility of mastering one or more modern professions and the acquisition-depth theoretical knowledge in different academic disciplines. The choice of the institution of a particular type is free. Moreover, both college high schools gives the right to go on their education in the subsequent education levels.
As can be seen the main feature of this model - is the continuity of education. That is, a person has the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills and qualifications throughout his life. This program creates an effective mechanism for the educational system, which has as its main components present respect for the individual, the disclosure of abilities and creativity; the formation of free-thinking man, his moral, physical and spiritual development; progressive training, acquisition of professional skills and a complete personal fulfilment in life. A perfect system of continuous education based on the modern economy, science, culture, engineering and technology is a fundamental precondition for the country's development. This system ensures formation of the new generation of human resources that will be capable of identifying long term objective and effectively achieve them; generation that shows high standards of general culture and professional skills; people that are creative, socially active and able to, independently, appreciate social and political landscape.
127,400 external partners (businesses, organizations, educational institutions) collaborate with PCs. Students sign a tripartite agreement with the college and enterprise. They can pass obligatory practice on this enterprise based on this agreement. About 50% of students are further employed in enterprises they had contracted with[1].
[edit | edit source]- ↑ Ergashev Sharibboy To’lanovich. (2021). Vocational Guidance in General Secondary Schools. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 460–466. Retrieved from