Electronics/Expanded Edition

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Electronics | Foreword | Basic Electronics | Complex Electronics | Electricity | Machines | History of Electronics | Appendix | edit

Book 2: Complex Electronics

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Chapter 5: Electronics Revisited

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  1. Basic principles
    1. See also Learn Electronics and Learn Electronics/Analogue and Digital
  2. DC circuits
  3. AC circuits I
  4. AC circuits II
  5. Aerials, antennae and transmission lines
  6. Analog electronics
    1. See also Electronics/Analog Circuits and Wikipedia: Analog circuit and Wikipedia: Analog signal and Wikipedia: Analog computer
  7. Digital electronics
    1. See also Electronics/Digital Circuits and Digital Circuits and Wikipedia: Digital and Wikipedia: Digital circuit
  8. The wider picture

Chapter 6: Radio

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  1. Crystals
  2. Signal Propagation
  3. Signal Modulation
  4. Signal Modulation 2
  5. Error Correcting Codes

Chapter 7: Radio Astronomy

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  1. Radio Astronomy[[1]]

Chapter 8: Computers

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  1. Computers
  2. Data Formats
  3. Cables
  4. Displays
  5. Printers
  6. Audio Electronics

Book 3: Electricity

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Chapter 9: Electricity

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  1. Power
  2. Motors
  3. Transformers
  4. Power Transmission

Chapter 10: Appliances

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  1. Light Bulbs

Chapter 11: Bioelectricity

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  1. Medical Equipment
  2. Microscopes

Chapter 12: Physics

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Book 4: Machines

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Chapter 13: Semiconductors

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Semiconductors are often made of silicon.

  1. FPGAs
  2. ASICs

Chapter 13 and a half: Component Construction details

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  1. Magnetic Materials
  2. Capacitor Construction
  3. Inductor Construction
  4. Transformer Construction

Chapter 14: Sensors

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Chapter 15: Robotics

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An excellent source of info is the various Robotics Societies, including Seattle Robotics Society and Dallas Personal Robotics Group. There is a lot of info on these groups websites, especially in the archived pages of The Encoder, published by SRS.

To begin, an excellent source would be the Wikipedia pages on Robotics (w:Robotics) or the Robotics Wikibook.

Chapter 16: Spacecraft

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Telemetry - Measurement at a distance. Critical in the success of early spacecraft. This technology allowed an incredible pyramid of resources to be applied to monitoring and safely operating the machine and human occupied spacecraft of the pre-space era of human development. Modern development efforts are focusing on a new generation of space based grid technologies that are hopefully sustainable independently from the mother planet with only occasional unnoticed intervention from the Lord Almighty but which when prematurely, suddenly or unexpectedly exposed to an adverse probability surge from outside the locally anticipated systems or universes can survive long enough to request and receive assistance.

Telecommunications [[2]]

Book 5: History of Electronics

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  1. Timeline
  2. Introduction
  3. Early days
  4. Academics
  5. Electricity
  6. Energy Sources
  7. Broadcasting
  8. Radio Astronomy
  9. Computers

Various topics not yet in books

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  1. Other Components
  2. Devices
  3. Links to Other Subjects